
Saturday 11 June 2022

Investigative Journalism

On my previous post, readers asked questions about the "big green balls" that could be seen in some of the photos - for example this one:

This made me realise that all I knew myself was that they belong to some kind of playground contraption. As I have no little children to accompany me to playgrounds and keep me up to date with things like that, it's never really occurred to me to explore further. 

Other people wanting to know always raises my own curiosity as well, though - so on my next walk through the park, on a quiet Thursday morning, I stopped to take a couple of photos while there wasn't anyone playing with it. 

I'm afraid I still can't say that I "get it", though.

I contemplated going up even closer to investigate, but decided against it. In my head, I could see imaginary headlines: "Senior citizen taken to hospital after trying to climb rope ladders in playground. 'I just wanted to see the inside of the big green balls,' the 67-year-old woman claims, without being able to properly explain her motives. She was also carrying a camera, which has been handed over to the police."


  1. Good grief, now there are ladders! what a mystery!the goalmust be to climb up and peep inside. Next time, maybe ask a child. But then the headlines would read "Senior citizen jailed for harrassing small children".

    1. Ginny, I'm afraid you're probably right! ;)

  2. Well, at least they look stable, not about to twirl about. And the ladders stop having rungs a few feet before reaching the top, so no kid was able to get inside the green orbs. But they might be able to poke their head in!

    1. Barbara, my impression is that the whole thing can actually be turned around as a kind of carousel as well, but I'm not sure. Even if I'm wrong about that, though, there's no way I'd ever call rope ladders "stable"... (LOL)

  3. I am still laughing as i type, we always have to be careful when around playgrounds for sure. I am dying to know what is inside, maybe you could ask a parent to ask a child to take a photo? or reserach asking google girl by using the name of the park?

    1. Sandra, the city's website does not offer any details. I don't think there's really room for anything inside the green thingies except whatever is needed to fasten the rope ladders in a secure way, though.

  4. Your comments on the outcome of your investigation made me laugh - so typical of newspaper and TV journalese!
    Even though you are female, these days you can't really wait around for a child to use the contraption. It's obvious the rope and ladder are there to be climbed, but I wonder how far into those "pods" the children can actually go - it doesn't look like a very big opening. Perhaps inside there's a bench seat all the way round, and those holes look like windows.
    What a mystery!

    1. CG, I don't think the "pods" are big enough to have seats inside. I've seen a child at the top of the ladder have it's head in there but I think that's as far as one gets ;)

  5. I‘d have climbed up there! I suspect there is nothing really in them, probably not even a seat, just the pod itself with those openings for windows. The light inside will be dimmed, not really dark though, with a green tinge - rather calming I imagine. And one can swing lightly.
    Love your fictitious news article!

    1. Meike, you're probably right! (And as I have the impression that you're quite tall, you'd probably hardly even have to climb the ladder to confirm it...)

  6. oh I would be the same in trying to climb them, no doubt I'd sprain something, but they do look fun

    1. Amy, I have to confess there's no way I would try to climb a rope ladder unless it was literally a matter of life or death!


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