
Saturday 18 June 2022

Work and Leisure

Walking into town this week, I noticed a new feature in the park: paddle boats (pedalos). Not feeling tempted myself, but something new to point the camera at is always welcome! 

In the background, you can see they're still working on a total reconstruction of what used to be our "bus square" (meeting place for most of our city bus lines). (In the future, it will be more of a park area, with only some of the buses meeting there.)

A popular sculpture, fenced in for now.

At home, I'm still feeling a bit like that myself (fenced in). The building is still surrounded by scaffolding. Roofers and tin-smiths are still at work up on the roof; and now lift installers are also working on replacing the lifts (elevators) inside. Which means more or less constant noise from both above and below, throughout the workdays. (The lift work is noisier than most of the roof work has been.) I've been finding it hard to concentrate on things like blogging, which is why there haven't been any posts during the week. 

Wednesday was laundry day for me, and as for me that means using a common laundry room down in the basement, just now it also means carrying things down (and up) the stairs, and walking past the lift repairmen and all their mysterious whatnots spread out over the otherwise empty basement corridor - and normally locked doors open to reveal the inside of lift shafts, machine rooms and electricity cupboards. The investigative journalist within me was of course itching to take photos - but as the lift guys were about as well, I did not... ;) 

I.e. not until I went down to collect my last lot from the drying cabinet, after the guys had finished for the day. But then they had also (all things considered) done a pretty good job tidying up before they left:



  1. Its not often workmen or tradesmen clean up after themselves, they sound like tidy guys and girls.

    1. Amy, no girls among them as far as I've been able to see. But I think they're under strict orders to tidy up at the end of each day.

  2. It's a wonder you don't need a tranquilizer! The paddle boats are adorable! And they look safe as well. If I was there, I might even give it a try...if you came with me! One can paddle and the other can worry

    1. Ginny, with all kinds of boats, I prefer worrying from the shore... ;)

  3. Like you, I would have been very tempted to investigate!
    Hopefully, the works will soon be completed so that you can enjoy some peace and quiet again.

    1. Meike, I'm clinging to that hope as well! ;) (The roofers are likely to move on to the next building within sight, though...)

  4. The pedalos look very summery, and make a nice addition to the lake.
    It is unusual for builders to clean up - the ones we have had in the past usually literally dropped everything at home time and left them where they fell!

    1. CG, as they are working in/on buildings full of tenants of all ages also living their ordinary lives in the midst of it all, I think they are required to leave things tidy at the end of each day, to minimize the risk of accidents.

  5. Oh no on the extra added noise levels. it will be nice when it all ends but not while they work. good job on them cleaning up for the weekend. the pedal boats are pretty and for a lot of people fun, but not for me. I wonder if someone like me pedaled out and could not pedal back, if they have rescue people around. LOL

    1. Sandra, the sign says 'for hire' so I guess the boats can only be taken out when there is someone there to keep an eye on things.


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