
Friday 11 November 2022

Magic Transformation


Happiness is having one's mouth full of teeth again - after a few weeks of having had to make do without one of them! Yesterday the Tooth Fairy (i.e. my dentist) waved her magic again, and I got my new crown put in place. Turned out a perfect fit, so will hopefully make daily life easier again for a while (until who-knows-what-may-happen-next). 

* * *

Coming out from the dentists' , I still had sort of a contrary feeling of deserving an extra "reward" for going through the process. So before I went back home, I ended up also going to a shoe-shop to buy myself a new pair of warm indoor slippers. Well - it wasn't really an impulse purchase, as I'd had it in mind for for a while. ;-) And probably not one that would have ended up on my blog, if not for a certain detail. I tried on a few different ones, but here is the pair that I ended up buying:

See that little tag? It "sealed the deal" for me...

Recycling magic! :-)


  1. WOW on the shoes. I have spent over 12 hours in the dentist chair in the last month-having old crowns replaced and old fillings removed and replaced. I love my dentist but that is a long time to spend in a dentist chair. I know exactly how you feel!

    1. Ouch Diana, that sounds really exhausting, having to spend that many hours at the dentist's in just one month! :o

  2. wow, that is some recycle job. and they look soft and comfy and warm. the things they can do now continue to amaze me. glad the tooth fit

  3. Good to know you are once more the proud and happy owner of a full set of teeth!
    I like recycling, and making new things out of old plastic bottles seems to be a good idea.

  4. You've got to have a good pair of slippers. I just bought a new pair of ugg boots which will come in handy next March.

  5. This is the first time Ihave seen or heard of this, how cool!!

  6. The tag I was a bottle, that is wonderful and they look very comfy.

  7. Glad all went well at the dentist. I'm going for a long-overdue check-up next week. My last one was some time ago, so wondering what he'll find.
    I need some new slippers and those are such a good idea. Hopefully I might find something similarly recycled here.

  8. Thanks everyone for your comments. I suspect that more than one bottle per shoe may have been used...But do love the tag as a clever way of getting the recycling message across! ;-)

  9. A couple of days ago I ordered "Rotten to the Core" for 99 pence on Amazon - one of their suggestions that I might like, having read other books in the same series.
    I deliberately didn't read your recent review, knowing I'd buy the book when it was offered at an "advantageous" price!

    1. Congratulations on the price, CG . I get my Kindle books from (and priced in USD) so get different offers.


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