
Tuesday 8 November 2022

Rainy November

(Anonymous mushrooms spotted on one of my recent walks)

November has continued as it started - grey and wet. Yesterday, it was pouring down all day and I didn't go out at all (which is unusual). Today, I did manage a short walk in only a light drizzle. I also had half in mind to take the bus across town to get my flu vaccination over with. But the bus I intended to take was either early (so that I just missed it), or else really late... As I wasn't sure which, I gave up waiting after 10 minutes, and decided that It Was Not Meant To Be (today). Today was just the first day for the flu vaccine anyway; and as it's all drop-in, it's anyone's guess how long the queue might be on a specific day or time. (It's still because of the pandemic that I need to go "across town"for it. They are again doing all the flu vaccinations at the same place where they've also been handling the covid ones.)

At home, I'm watching 'Roofers At Work' again = the last episode of the 'live soap opera' that's been going on around my street for just over a year now... ;-) (I.e. - they're now exchanging the tiles on the last roof, which happens to again be one close to me.) Since last month, they've also been exchanging our entrance doors. (Not sure why, but I guess for a combination of security and isolation reasons. I myself have reported problems with ours more than once, as it's not always been closing properly as it should.) And before that, lifts/elevators. It's been a busy year that way - always some work going on somewhere along the street!

Over the weekend (while it wasn't really raining much, and no wind, but still grey), I was hit by unexpected inspiration to do a bit of "work" myself - as in washing windows. It may have been the reappearance of the roofers that reminded me... After they had finished the roof on 'my' building back in summer, I washed the windows in the kitchen and the living room, but didn't get round to the bedroom and study. For one thing I keep the blinds there down and half-shut most of the time anyway... Plus, washing the windows in those rooms also involves a bit more preparation (as in moving furniture).

It's got a bit easier in my study since I got a new desk some years ago, though. Because with this one, the top just rests on the drawer unit without actually being attached to it. So easy enough now (once I've emptied the table!) to just swing the top to the side (and let it rest on a chair or something instead), while the heavier drawer-unit can remain in place (not being all that much in the way).

(Yes, I anticipated that I might have to show you...)


Job done, and things back in order.
(All neat and tidy for about 5 minutes...)

I also started "thinking about Christmas"; like checking if I have enough Christmas cards, and ordering stamps, and one or two other things (Santa's secrets - shh) ... My experience from last Christmas, and also this year, is that postal services around the globe (and within my own country as well) are still not as reliable as they used to be - so best start early. 


  1. I love those curtains, you do have the prettiest ones, for all your rooms. I Like that swing out desktop. It might be a good thing you missed the bus because there will be less people at a later time.. of course everyone wants it right away as theyshould

    1. Thanks Sandra. I've had those curtains (actually - all my curtains) for quite a while. The first few years in this apartment, I tried various other ones in the study (never quite satisfied) but since I found these, I've felt no need to change! As for my flu vaccination, it will have to wait until next week now, because today I had the laundry room booked, tomorrow the dentist, and on Friday a food delivery...

  2. I love your curtains, and that's a very cool desk!

  3. My windows have been cleaned only once so far this year... they look dreadful, but as we have just entered a period of rainy days (according to the forecast, and it is raining as I am typing this), I have a good excuse for not doing them this weekend, either ;-)
    But I aim to do them before setting up things for Advent and Christmas, as there could be one or two stars I want to hang in the windows.
    Those mushrooms - what can be more autumnal than that!
    And your "Roofers at Work" series is quite colourful these days!

    1. Meike, that blue crane truck they had helping them the other day was the most colourful and decorated of its kind that I've ever seen! :-)

  4. Washing windows is such a chore, and it always seems to rain after I've done mine! I have a Kärcher widow cleaner, but it doesn't make the job any more attractive. There are roller shutters at all the windows, but it's so gloomy if I have to lower them just to keep the windows clean, every time it rains during the day.
    I, too, love all your curtains - they are such pretty fabrics.
    I wish we had drop-in centres for flu jabs. It's all done by appointment here, and when you turn up it's almost impossible to park and then it's a long wait in a slow-moving queue.

    1. CG, it certainly rained again very soon after I did mine, too! I'll be content for a while just knowing that I did do the job, though! ;-)
      Last year they had online booking for the flu jabs as well as for covid, which for me worked very well (no queuing). I don't know why they've changed it to all drop-in this year. I think now they are only doing flu jabs during November, though (referring people elsewhere for covid vaccinations). Personally I prefer to have an appointment - it's with the drop in that I worry about queues. For those driving there, parking is not likely to be a problem (it's at a big shopping centre with free parking). But having to take the bus means additional worry for crowding. (And the weather...)


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