
Friday 27 January 2023

Back to Normal


View from bridge over the river towards city mall

Yesterday (Thursday) all the snow and ice was gone again. Still gray, but not raining. It had been a full week since my vertigo episode (without any more serious dizziness), and I decided it was time I tried a walk all the way into town, as I needed some things from the pharmacy. Still feeling a bit insecure (perhaps mentally more than physically now), I did take one of my walking poles along, in case I'd feel in need of "a third leg" at some point. 

On my shopping list for the pharmacy I had included non-prescription travel sickness pills, as in connection with my Vertigo post last week I got the advice that it might be good to have some of those at home in case it should happen again. Turned out that those pills were backordered at the pharmacy, though; apparently due to some nation-wide problem with delivery or production. I tried the other pharmacy in the city centre as well, but got the same answer there. Together with the responses I got on my post last week, this almost made me wonder if there is some world-wide vertigo pandemic going on that we've not been told about...! 

This morning, the weather had changed to sunny and frosty. Since it hadn't been raining the day before, not really icy, though; and today I've actually been out twice. Before lunch, I walked to my supermarket for some fresh fruit. There is also a pharmacy at the supermarket, so I also popped in there to check if they might still have some of those elusive pills... Turned out they did! Three packs left on the shelf, so I did not even have to feel guilty of snatching the very last one. ;)  Hopefully I won't even be needing them any time soon. But still feel a bit "safer" knowing that I have some if another attack should take me by surprise.

In the afternoon, I went out again. Took some stuff to the recycling bins, and then prolonged my walk a bit further as well. Beginning to feel "back to normal"...


  1. I bet it felt good to get out again. I'm glad you finaly found the pills!

    1. Thanks Ginny. It was indeed a sense of relief on both accounts: finding myself capable of walking into town and back as usual; and also finding the pills the next day.

  2. I hope those pills won't be needed.

  3. Well done, you! I have not been for a walk this week except for the one morning with my friend; time and circumstances just didn‘t allow for it, and I do miss it. Still grey here but the sun is supposed to put in an appearance tomorrow.

    1. And here we're again back to grey and rainy, Meike... Today I've been staying in, just not tempted to go out!

  4. good job on two walks and happy dance that the pills were found. I too had the same thought, because when I mentioned mine, there were so many having the same thing. there might be a vertigo conspiracy theory out there, ha ha..... good idea to have them if needed

    1. Sandra, I had definitely not expected five out of seven comments on that post last week to report similar experiences!

  5. Glad you managed to get out for a breath of fresh air - and found the elusive pills. Useful to have them - just in case.
    I went to the Farmacia this morning and completely forgot to buy the pills. It's a few years since I've had an attack, but you never know when it's going to hit you.
    Unbelievable for us this far south, but the temperature the night before last was down to+1ºC! - the lowest I've ever known it. This past week we've had single figure temperatures each night and most days, but even the sun doesn't warm us up.

    1. That does sound cold for the south of Spain (I assume you are down south?) - and I guess your houses aren't quite built for those kinds of temperatures either?


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