
Tuesday 24 January 2023

Flashback to January 2013

24 January 2023: The weather is back to grey and dull (a little bit of snow left on the ground still, but it has lost the "fresh" feeling from the other day). I'm feeling "okay", but still a bit tired - how much related to my vertigo attack last week or not, I'm not sure.

Yesterday (also grey) I took my "exercise" indoors with the vacuum cleaner. ;-) Today I did go out for a little while, but only like 20 minutes or so. And after that kind of dozed through the rest of the afternoon listening to the radio and an audio book...

Having no new photos to share, it occurred to me to look back in my archives and check what January was like 10 years ago - i.e. 2013. 

The weather not much different back then, it seems.

On one of my walks back then, I found this glove stuck on a bush. Still like that photo :)


January 6, 2013



Another day (Jan 6) I went for a walk around the 'bird sanctuary' lake, where they still had some rare birds living back then, including these black swans. (We don't have the black ones in the wild here.) They had to move all the exotic birds some years ago in connection with laying district heating pipes through the lake, though; and I don't think they've introduced any new ones yet. But migrating wild geese and swans etc still often visit, and gulls in the summer - and mallards in plenty all year round.


At home, optical fiber cables were installed in my building in January 2013, giving me faster internet. (Can hardly believe it's 10 years ago already?) The installation required some rearranging of furniture...

Nothing to do with the fiber optics - just a lamp I happened to see in a shop window somewhere! (Not tempted to buy it, but my camera found it fascinating...) I think it must have been on display in the window of a lamp shop in the city centre that has since been closed. I don't think there is any shop left in the city centre now that sells lamps any more (or at least not specializes in just lamps). 

We did get a bit of snow that year, too...

... as well as the occasional day of sun and blue skies...


  1. I like looking back, at others or at my own. I am always shocked at how much time has gone by when i check my past posts, to see when I bought something. Since I blog about everything I do, I can always check what happened and when..

    1. Sandra, I find that helpful too - at least for some things!

  2. I like that glove photo. Gorgeous colour, and it looks like it is signalling to you.

  3. My favorite is your blue glove photo. Besides being just beautiful, it can be symbolic of so many things. I cannot bELIEVE your new cables were that long ago!!!

  4. Definitely the blue glove - it's colourful and quirky on a gloomy day.

    1. Carol, I always enjoy when I find "odd things" (and happen to have the camera with me!)

  5. Funny, I have been looking through old photos too. I love some of those that I have found, and to be honest had almost forgotten taking some of them. I love the beautiful sky and also your glove photo - it is such a beautiful colour and looks so mysterious there in the frozen twigs, with just a few colourful leaves to soften the impression.

    1. Jenny, over the years with digtial camera and blogging I've been taking so many photos it's impossible to remember them all. What I should try to remember though, is that when I find no inspiration in the "here and now", maybe it's worth while taking a random look in the archives! ;-)

  6. As others here have said, it can be fascinating to go back to our old posts and/or photos. Ten years have gone by in a flash! But when you think about what has happened - to you and in the world - in those years, the feeling of how much time has passed becomes more realistic.
    Dull, grey days here, too; the last time I saw the sun I couldn't go out as it was in the middle of my work day.

    1. Meike, the passing of Time will probably forever remain a bit of a mystery! ;-)

  7. I really enjoyed your look back. I even remembered one or two things including thinking how odd the fibre cables were. Given the paucity of my blogging ideas these days I might do some looking back as well. 10 years ago in the winter, for example, I would have been in New Zealand summer.

    1. Thanks Graham. Looking back on your NZ years sounds like a good idea. Usually when I go looking for photos from the past I have an idea what it is I'm looking for; but just checking "this day/week/month X years ago" (as with this post) can trigger more random memories :-)

  8. I like seeing your photos and how winter there is different to what we have here. But sometimes getting through those gloomy days means creating a regular routine for ourselves like just simple vaccuuming


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