
Sunday 22 January 2023

Clear Blue Sky


Can't recall having seen a sky this blue since... Well, maybe mid December or so! 

I've been taking things "slow" since my scary vertigo attack on Thursday morning (cf previous post); but I keep making progress. On Thursday I did not go out at all. On Friday I ventured out to the rubbish bins just outside + 5 min extra (with my walking poles as support). Saturday afternoon the streets and walk-ways were free of snow and ice, and I felt brave enough to try a slow walk to the recycling bins and back (20 min). (One pole for balance + one bag of light package stuff to get rid of.) 

Today, a thin layer of snow on the ground, sun shining, and properly frosty instead of slushy... So after lunch I decided to take my poles + the camera for a walk in the old cemetery a few minutes away (long-term followers have seen thousands of photos from there...). It's a good place to walk as it's away from traffic + has lots of criss-cross paths, making it easy to either cut the walk short or make it longer, according to how one feels along the way. Today I was thinking shorter but ended up wanting to stay out longer (40 min) as it felt really refreshing with the sun and blue sky and snow! (And with gravel paths beneath the thin layer of dry snow, not slippery.)

Nice to see my own shadow again (middle photo) - it's been in hiding for weeks and weeks!


  1. What glorious light in those photos. I can see why you wanted to stay out a little longer.

    1. JC I'm glad I grabbed the opportunity, as today has been all cloudy again.

  2. it looks like a perfect day for your walk. I can't choose a favorite, both of these are gorgeous. blue sky and sunshine, tonic for the soul

  3. I'm glad you are managing well, and that your vertigo is no worse. Gorgeous skies!

    1. Thanks Ginny. It was Thursday that was really bad, it has kept getting better since. Probably mostly a feeling of insecurity lasting now, because of not knowing whether it might return or not!

  4. You did well in going out on such a beautiful winter's day! It must have felt so refreshing after days of grey skies and being mostly cooped up indoors. I hope you keep feeling better and have no need to curtail your walks anymore.

    1. Thanks Meike. I'll probably be "playing it safe" for a while yet, though... Back to all grey skies today and much less tempting to go out - so today I took my exercise with the vacuum cleaner indoors instead ;-)

  5. What a beautiful day, and photos - I can see why you were tempted to stay out a little bit longer. Hope you are feeling back to normal now.

    1. Thanks Carol. As it was a rather scary experience, I think it will be a while yet before I stop checking with myself every five minutes how I "feel", though! (Hopefully I'll get there gradually!)


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