
Saturday 18 February 2023

After the Storm


Storm "Otto" passed by here last night. Fortunately, here in the inland, it doesn't seem to have wreaked too much havoc. (Worse in some places closer to the coast, I think.) Still left quite a bit of detritus here and there though...

Today the sun has been shining, the wind not too bad any more, and I was able to go for a walk into town after lunch. I bought myself a new bunch of tulips, as the ones from last week had given up.

No, I don't buy myself tulips (or other flowers) every week... That would be a rather expensive habit in the long run! But in February, with Christmas behind us, and Easter still some time away, we tend to turn to tulips here, in early anticipation of spring... And seeing them on display in or outside the flower shops, this time of year, I'm always reminded of how my mum used to get tulips for her birthday, which was 20 February. After she died, I've fallen into the habit of buying some for myself instead (if I have the opportunity).

The bouquet I bought last week was a week early - but then I was thinking of Valentine's day, and also of my friend  who passed away at the end of January, but who would otherwise have celebrated her 70th birthday last weekend. ♥



  1. Well done, buying flowers for yourself, Monica. My sister can not bear NOT having flowers in the house; I love them but don‘t feel the need like she does. I am often not home and then away all weekend, and missing them at their best seems such a waste.
    My sister‘s birthday on Jan. 10, and she always has tulips - in former years, our Dad brought them.
    The storm was not too bad here but other (higher) areas were affected more.
    It is sad that you can not celebrate your friend‘s 70th birthday with her, and never another birthday, anymore.

    1. Meike, I always have a number of potted plants, and would find my home rather sterile without those, I think. "Cut flowers" I consider something of a luxury, though, as they cost a lot but only last a week or so. So those I only buy on special occasions... (Even if occasionally, and especially in tulip season, a special occasion may just arise because I felt like it!)

  2. I'm so sorry about your friend. I put some tulips on my kitchen table yesterday, but they are the fake kind.

    1. Ginny, I use some fake flowers in decorations too. (Haven't got any fake tulips, though.)

  3. The tulips look lovely - so colourful.
    I have artificial sunflowers which brighten up the entrance porch, and a vase of definitely fake unidentifiable flowers in the living room. I'd prefer real plants but they have a tendency to bolt away and take over the house. I once had a Swiss Cheese plant that made the room look like jungle, it grew up the wall and over part of the ceiling!

    1. Carol, I'd never heard the name 'Swiss Cheese plant' so had to look that up... I've never had that variety but I have had other Monsteras, and yes they can grow quite big. I have a ficus that is growing too tall for the window, I'll have to do something about that soon... (What I usually do is start over by cutting off the top and letting that grow new roots.)


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