
Wednesday 8 March 2023

Let There Be Light

Still wintry here. Woke up to more snow today - but also, unexpectedly, sunshine. So although I had been planning a staying-in day, I managed to sneak in a short walk before lunch anyway. I was expecting an electrician to come and have a look at a couple of faulty switches in my kitchen, but he was not due until after 1 p.m. 

Looking out through my window around 8 a.m.

A brief walk in the cemetery around 11:30

Football field of untouched snow. (The pink spots in the sky are from pointing the camera right at the sun - not seeing a thing myself...)

* * *

The electrician came as promised in the early afternoon. He changed the light switch on my cooker hood - and let me understand I was far from the first tenant for whom that switch on that kind of hood (installed not all that many years ago) had broken... The other one I'd had problems with was a wall switch to the lamp over my kitchen table, which had been "moody" for a while (sometimes I've had to press it multiple times for the light to come on). He took it apart, muttered a bit, and said he didn't have the right kind of switch to replace it with in stock... So he put it back together again - but that seemed to be magic enough, because now it seems to be working as it should again. So we agreed to leave it at that and I'll call again if the problem reoccurs. (I should perhaps add that an advantage of being a tenant is that I don't pay extra for these kinds of repairs. So I'm happy as long as it works and there's no danger involved - which he assured me there wasn't.)


  1. Gorgeous blue sky and that light effect from the snow. I expect it's a little chilly though?

    1. JC, very cold in the night/early morning, but the sun is pretty strong in the daytime now. The layer of snow covering my balcony this morning has melted away during the day, for example.

  2. Monica, these are absolutely stunning photographs. The shadows and light make such a difference to the snow.
    +23ÂșC and sunny today - a perfect spring day here, and so welcome after the low temperatures and grey skies we've had lately.

    1. Carol, it was so bright here today with the sun and the snow that I should have had my sunglasses on. (OK since I wasn't out all that long, though...)

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Monica! Untouched snow under a blue sky has something magic about it, doesn't it. It seems quite a lot of snow for March, or is that more or less what you can expect in your part of Sweden?

    Good job the taking apart seemed to fix the problem with the second switch. Sometimes a speck of dust gets in, and taking it apart does the trick.

    1. It does *feel* both like too much snow and too cold (at night) for March (a new dense snowfall coming in now just as I write this). Statistically I suspect it may not be all that rare, though. Even April is known to be very unreliable... It always seems worse when we get a backlash after a period with no snow and sunshine in between, giving us "false hopes" of spring!

  4. I like shooting into the sun to see what I get. you are right, it is blinding and with a cell phone it is truly a blind shot. these are so beautiful, I especially like the view from your window and the walk through the cemetery. a lovely sunny day for a walk

    1. Thanks Sandra. Glad I took the opportunity, because now we're back in another snowstorm...

  5. These photos of yours show the beauty side of snow, it seems to be a soft blanket even covering the graves to keep them warm.


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