
Monday 6 March 2023

Winter is Back...


No use looking for "signs of spring" today... Winter is back! Started snowing a little today; and weather/traffic warnings have been issued for a lot more snow the next two days.

I ventured out for a short walk just after lunch, while it still wasn't to bad. Just a turn around the old cemetery nearby, for air and exercise...  

(Looking back at my own footsteps...)

Oddly 'granular' kind of snow today!

Well, I had no plans to go out tomorrow or Wednesday anyway... Tomorrow afternoon I have the laundry room booked; and on Wednesday I'm expecting an electrician to come and have a look at (and hopefully fix!) a couple of unreliable light switches in my kitchen. 

I just hope the snow and colder temperatures won't do too much damage to plants that were already on their way up to greet spring...

Photo from last week - "daffodils-to-be"


  1. Your scene looks somewhat like mine turned into in the last half hour. I experienced a very sunny bitterly cold morning with a NorthEast wind of some force. It was the fierce end to 7 or 8 days of unusual calm, cold weather perfect for working outside. Now it's snowing.

    1. Graham, we too had a sunny week preceding this change back to winter.

  2. We have had such a kind February with lots of sun and mild temperatures. I fear we are to pay the price now!

    1. JC, somehow it seems one never learns (not to trust winter/spring) ...

  3. That is good news that you had no plans for the next two days! And I do hope those pretty daffodils will not die from the cold. Maybe this will be the last burst from winter and spring walk, and stay. The weather is so crazy now who knows what it will do

    1. Sandra, I know full well it's too early yet for proper spring here, and yet I was hoping that we'd at least escape further "massive" snowfalls... All white today, traffic problems and lots of buses and trains cancelled (I hear/see on the news. I've not had to go out myself.)

  4. I forgot to tell you that Ginny’s computer died so she hasn’t been around I don’t know if you Mr. yet but she bought a new one and hopefully today she’s going to be able to get back to posting and reading but the last time I talked to her and it’s almost 4 o’clock here she still didn’t have it. She hast to get somebody to come set it up for her


    1. Thanks Sandra. I did know about Ginny's computer. Hope she gets the help she needs to get the new one set up!

  5. Winter always throws out one last blast before it thaws out, it's getting cooler here.

    1. Amy, what's most astonishing is perhaps than one still tends to forget from one year to another! ;)

  6. No snow here at the moment, but it certainly is grey and cold enough!
    Most spring flowers are hardy enough to withstand a few frosty nights and snowy days. I am sure the daffodils will be in bloom soon - it always amazes me how quickly nature picks itself up; a few sunny days, and everything explodes :-)

    1. Meike, as those daffodils were only just above ground yet, I hope they'll survive. They're probably more realistic in their hopes than we humans are! ;)

  7. The weather this time of year always seems unreliable no matter where you live. We think spring is on the way and then winter throws us a surprise! We had some very cold days throughout February, and it's not much warmer yet, but to my surprise it was 29ºC in the sunshine in the garden yesterday afternoon! Looking around, the plants seem to be surviving.

    1. Carol, no doubt you're much "closer to spring" than we are here... :)


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