
Tuesday 4 April 2023

Dinosaur Easter Eggs (?)


Yesterday I went to the supermarket for a couple of minor things I'd forgotten to order with my home delivery last week. Inside, I was met by these giant-sized Easter eggs... I'm afraid the photo doesn't quite do them justice as it might just as well be a trick photo to do with camera perspective... But these eggs really were enormous, I doubt I'd have been able to embrace one of them round the middle! So in my mind I started imagining  "Jurassic Park" kind of scenes, as to the size of the creatures supposed to have laid them... ;-)

Today I went "across town" again, hunting for a different kind of Easter Surprise for myself. Not egg-shaped (and probably would not fit in one of those giant eggs above either), but who knows what awaits inside... (Well. Windows 11, for one thing!)

Yes, it's my new laptop. Charging its battery while I'm still using my old one to write this; but  I'm thinking it's probably best if I wait at least until Thursday to actually "open" the thing to get the start-up process going. Tomorrow I have other things to do (like laundry), so won't be able to concentrate.

After a good deal of 'headache' and online research, I came to the conclusion over the weekend that I probably won't be able to find exactly what I wanted (i.e. really just a "healthy" version of my old one - lol)... For example, my old laptop has a built-in CD/DVD reader/burner, and a built-in SD card-reader, which I've found useful. (Especially the card-reader, since that's how I transfer photos from my separate camera to the computer.) But all the newer models (at reasonable price) seem to aim to chiefly to be slim and light and skipping too many "extras". So the last few days I've been googling alternative solutions, involving external accessories, ports, cords and adapters instead... Phew! 

After a final pep-talk with my brother on the phone yesterday, today I gathered my collected documentation and took the bus to a shopping center across town, where two of our big "tech" kind of stores are situated. At one of them I recently bought my new phone. Today I went to the other one, because that's where they were supposed to have the laptop in stock that I'd decided on - an ASUS, same brand as my old one. And to my relief they did have it. Well, I should perhaps hold back on the "relief" until I see how I actually get along with it! But at least I was able to give a reasonable impression of knowing what I wanted when talking to the sales guy, and the purchase as such did not take up a lot of time. ;-)

Opening the box at home, the only instruction I found included was to charge the battery for at least three hours before starting the thing. I then went in search of an online manual, but can't find one for this exact model. On my new phone I was met by a set-up guide once I turned that on though. Perhaps something similar will happen when I press the magic button on this one? 

Meanwhile, my old laptop is still working, so hopefully I'll have time to figure things out!



  1. But now to the important thing...what was INSIDE the eggs?? Asus is a very highly rated computer. Yes, I have found that most new computers do not include C.D. or D.V.D. players anymore. The salesman told me it's because now everyone can keep things on the cloud, and they want to make laptops more light and streamlined.

    1. Ginny, if they're really dinosaur eggs I suppose there's a baby dinosaur inside! ;) - Joke aside, I assume they're empty and you're supposed to fill them with whatever surprise you like!

  2. Congratulations on the new laptop! My new computer has WIN11, too, and the set-up happened mainly without my assistance. All I had to do after switching it on was to type in my Windows ID, and decide on a few parameters (which can be changed later if I want to), such as: Do I want the settings optimized for gaming performance, or for energy consumption, and similar.
    It also has no CD/DVD drive, as most of the games people play nowadays are online games anyway. I still have my games on DVDs, they are that old! So there might be an external drive on my Christmas wish list :-) Right now, I am too busy to play any of my games anyway.
    Those huge eggs... like Ginny, I wonder what is inside!

    1. Meike, as for the eggs, see my reply to Ginny :) I suppose they're meant for bigger surprises than a few sweets, though!
      I don't play a lot of games besides Words with Friends (online crossword game) but I may still want to be able to use vs burn CDs/ DVDs occasionally. So I did buy an external drive as well (also by ASUS), and also a card reader for my camera memory cards. And I'm also going to buy an adapter to make it possible to connect the new laptop to my old bigger screen.

  3. Somehow I feel that those eggs are empty and are meant to be used as boxes for Easter gifts. How can we find out though?
    My newish laptop computer is a Hewlett Packard, the same make as my last one. I rarely use it as I have my late husband's desk top with a nice large screen, but it's not portable, so I needed something to take with me if I go on my travels (unlikely!) I'm now considering buying another tablet, though I had very little use out of my last one before it gave up the ghost.

    1. Carol I'm sure you're right about the eggs being empty "boxes" :)
      I have a tablet too and use that a lot for reading, and for short comments and messages. But for longer writing I prefer the computer/laptop. I mostly use the laptop as desktop in my study, combined with a bigger screen + wireless extra keyboard and mouse + printer and whatnot... But with the advantage of being able to also easily move it and use it in another room if I like.

  4. If those eggs were filled with chocolate I think the recipient would become quite nauseous very quickly.

  5. JC that was my thought too when I saw them in the store! :)

  6. i am typing this comment from my Asus Desktop, I also had Asus laptop and got great service from it and so far a year on this desktop. it will tell you everything you need and when you register it you will be able to find the manus, this one gave me a link saved that says my asus. all i well, and it was simple to set up. Congratulations you will love it. each time I buy a computer, year after I buy one it gets easier to set it up. much easier than it used to be.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'll probably be giving it a go tomorrow! :)

  7. Laptops these days are way easier than they use to be, all you do is start them up and they talk you through the instructions, they pretty much do everything themselves.The only thing you'll need is your email login and password.

    1. Hmmm, not sure I totally agree, Amy... ;) Some parts of the initial process perhaps - but then on the other hand it just seems to get worse and worse with things like multiple verifications and a million choices...! (Phew...)


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