
Saturday 1 April 2023

Easter Decorations


It was only the other day that I realised Easter is coming up already next week... Yesterday I got my little box of Easter decorations out of the cupboard where it's been hibernating since last spring, and put the contents up in their usual places. (Compared to Christmas, that's a job quickly done, though!) And today I used them for practice with the new phone camera. The real colour of the table runner is as in the photo to the right - in the photo to the left it comes out too blue.

Some of the paper Easter Eggs have 'GDR' or 'German Democratic Republic' printed inside them, which means those at least go back ~35 years or more. Nowadays I don't fill them with anything - I just use them as decorations! 

They fluffy yellow chickens I think have been with me since back in my youth as well. 

The tray in the background has nothing in particular to do with Easter - it shows the town of Eksjö in the province of Småland (with a lot of charming old wooden houses), where I also bought it on a holiday trip some years ago.

The two chicken candle holders I've had since childhood, the rooster I found later.

Kitchen window: Egg, chicken, rooster...
The rooster was my mum's.

 And my mum embroidered these -
now hanging on the door to my kitchen.



  1. Easter sneaked up on me with it being only 9 days into the month. really early. You are ready just in time. I like the aqua blue of the matte in the first one, and the chickens at the end my mother would love and did things much like them.

    1. Sandra it's been so cold here that it has not really seemed time for Easter yet (although of course I know full well the time for Easter varies!)

  2. We don't tend to bother much with Easter decorations, but I really like those painted eggs and their bowl.

    1. JC, I like to change decorations a bit according to season but my special Easter things are usually only up for two weeks.

  3. I'm liking how you've decorated for Easter, I'm looking forward to getting good Friday off here.

    1. Amy, we also still count Easter Monday as a holiday here so it's a long weekend at least for some people.

  4. Great to see your decorations! I used to love those little fuzzy chickens, back before they were considered unsafe for kids.

    1. Barbara, with no little children visiting, my fuzzy chickens are safe! 😁

  5. Your Mom did beautiful work. I love the candle holders! The tray is the same colors, so it matches with everything else. I think my favorite though is the row of yellow peeps!

    1. Thanks Ginny. Those seasonal things that have been with one for a long time always tend to bring up a lot of memories!

  6. My first thought on seeing your first two photos was "Oh how pretty"! It all looks so pretty. Your new phone shows up things so clearly.
    We spent a couple of Easters up in Värmland with friends, and as well as indoor decorations similar to yours, she suspended a basket on the porch, hung with coloured feathers. I noticed the same thing outside most of the houses, so perhaps typical of the area. Easter decorations were not something we did in the UK, and I thought what a good idea it was. Mostly Easter celebrations there were to do with who had the largest, or most, chocolate eggs!

  7. Carol, it is an old tradition in Sweden to bring in bare branches to put in a vase for Lent/Easter, and decorate them with coloured feathers, and sometimes also other ornaments (eggs, chickens etc). In later years I haven't done that myself but many probably still do. "Påskris" we call it.

  8. Your flat looks very Easterly and cheerful. Somehow, this year I have not felt like getting the bird‘s nest and other bits and pieces out, just like I did not feel like a proper party for my birthday. It may have to do with my Dad and friend R being gone, and me being so busy and tired all the time.
    I have put a hand-embroidered tablecloth on my kitchen table, though. It shows spring flowers and was made when my grandma was a young woman.

    1. Thanks Meike. I'm thinking that with your preference for yellow you have automatic spring colour scheme in your flat anyway :)


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