
Sunday 7 May 2023

It's Been A Sunny Week

 Photos from my walks this week - in between all my various spring clearing efforts...

 Cherry blossom in the park (Tuesday)
The leaves in the photo to the right belong to a horse chestnut tree

Pedal boats in the river. (The Bodhi statue looks surprised, because last summer they were"parked" in a different spot...)

Tulips in bloom now

More cherry blossom - across the street from my supermarket

Another park revisited today

Still some wood anemones in bloom in shady places (the nights have still been cold, and the days not really warm either, except in sunny spots protected from the wind)

..."Shadow Shot Sunday"...

Soooo much birch pollen this year...  Causing problems even for those who aren't normally all that sensitive, I think!  My own confirmed allergy is primarily to grass, and a fairly recent test said nothing about tree pollen - but that still doesn't stop me from reacting with asthma, occasional violent sneeze attacks amd itching eyes after having been out among them for a while... (And in spite of asthma and allergy meds.)


  1. Such wonderful colours in your photos.
    I can empathise with the allergy problems. I have to take a high strength daily antihistamine all year round but still suffer during certain times of the year.

    1. Nothing like a clear blue sky in the background to also make the best of other colurs, JC! ;-)

  2. I'm one of those people who suffers hugely with allergies, mostly with pine, privet, mould, dust, hairspray, perfume, the list goes on.

    1. I recognise that, Amy... I buy only unperfumed products myself...

  3. The pigeon looks so angry...funny. I have never seen anything like this Horse Chestnut, amazing!

    1. Leaves just beginning to unfold, Ginny!

  4. Even the most mundane spots like a supermarket parking lot turn into beautiful places when trees are in bloom!
    I love those sharply defined shadows in the bright clear spring sun.

    1. Those shadows were indeed very "eye-catching", Meike (which is of course why I couldn't resist snapping the photos...)

  5. the cherry blossoms are my favorites, all the trees are so beautiful. I have never seen cherry blossoms in real life. they don't grow in our part of the country. your town is looking so lovely and soon those paddle boats will be full. your photos are fantastic as always and so glad you are out and about again and no fear of snow. the sunlight is crystal clear in your photos

    1. Thanks Sandra. It's a beautiful time of year and just now I "only" fear the abundance of tree pollen... (which still limits my out-and-about time, though...)


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