
Saturday 6 May 2023

Spring Clearout Continued


On the estate where I live, the first Saturday in May (or one of the first, anyway), is traditonally dedicated to a general spring clearout, as we (tenants) then get our annual chance to get items collected that don't go in the normal household waste or recycling bins.

As I'd already been in clearout mode (or mood) all week, I kept at it. Besides various minor broken "tech stuff" that I'd been collecting since last spring (old cords and lightbulbs and such), I also got rid of for example two broken and faded old balcony parasols (replaced with new ones), a self-disintegrating plastic floormat that hasn't served any purpose for years (and never will again), and an electric iron with faulty cord. On top of that, I also said my final goodbye to the old laptop (recently replaced)... As it was visibly deformed (something within it having expanded) I trust it will go straight to "recycling" rather than anyone trying to "fix" it. (But I'd also deleted all personal stuff on it that I could think of.) 

With my first load of stuff today I was lucky and came out just as there was a small vehicle collecting things right at the corner of my building. I then made two further turns with my "wheelie bag" to the parking lot where the big trucks were parked.

With also having cleared out quite a lot of clothes from my wardrobes earlier in the week (to a special container), the week has been rather tiring. (While not walking very long distances, I think I've still been "on my feet" more than usual.) ... But also rather satisfying!

- - -

In the afternoon, I took a well-deserved break and as a complete contrast just sat in my TV chair watching (the later part of) the crowning ceremonies for King Charles III in London...

A lot of people "on their feet" in London too - and in the rain and all!
(Here, it was sunny.)


  1. You have been busy!
    It was a very sunny day here too so I sat out in the garden instead of watching the ceremony on TV. I can catch up with the highlights later I suppose.

    1. JayCee, with all the channels and streaming services we have these days, I have no doubts that the highlights will be available "forever"... ;-)

  2. I watched it, too. I am also hoping to find the coronation concert tomorrow.

    1. Ginny, I suppose that depends on what TV channels you have access to. But I'm suspect that if one can't watch it live, it will turn up somewhere later...

  3. That is a good tradition you have of a spring clearout and I do love the pomp and pageantry of royal traditions like the coronation.

    1. Terra, yes, it's definitely a good thing that we have this one day per year opportunity to get rid of stuff. And even better than usual this year as a container for donating clothes was put up as well!

  4. Well done!
    We were on a 17-km-hike on what was a perfect spring day here, so no TV at all.
    On that last picture, don‘t they look exhausted? And understandably so - they are both in their seventies, and the days leading up to the Big Day must have been exhausting, too.

    1. Meike, no doubt there will be plenty of opportunities to catch up with the highlights of the coronation ceremonies online. I agree it must have been a tiring day for the king and queen - and thinking that surely even for them it must have felt a bit "unreal"? The commentators on TV also kept pointing out that those crowns are very heavy... and it was a rather long parade from Westminster Abbey to the palace, so just the physical weight of wearing the crown must have been rather exhausting! ;-)

  5. I let you know how you had inspired me on your last post. I didn't realise it had been raining in London. It was a beautiful day here. Undoubtedly the best so far this year.

    1. PS Dandelions seem to be really popular at the moment.

    2. Graham, I kept marvelling at the crowds lining the streets and gathering in front of the palace - considering that it's not long ago since we were all restricted by lockdowns etc, and no "gatherings" allowed at all..

  6. I do wish that here they would collect locally (if only even occasionally) those annoying items, and clothes, that aren't suitable for the normal recycling bins. I can take electrical items, and used olive oil into a collection point in town but never seem to remember! There are bins for pottery, and separate ones for glass and china, but few and far between.
    I watched the Coronation and thought Camilla was worried that her crown would fall off - it looked so uncomfortable.

    1. Carol, I too wish there were more opportunities locally to get rid of those things that don't belong in the normal recycling bins - but am thankful for at least this one day per year. - I agree Camilla did look more uncomfortable than Charles wearing the crown... ;-)

  7. congrats on more things tossed. I really need to undertake a toss out soon. without thinking I tossed out the old coffee pot and AFTER they picked up the trash thought the aluminun pot would have been perfect for watering plants outside with water from teh rain barrel. I am a tosser and not a think before I toss. i watched the last half of the coronation, starting right after they put the crown on them

  8. Sandra, I read your post about the coffee pot earlier today :-) I'm sure I've done the same kind of thing myself sometimes - but can't think of any really "important" regrets. My dad kind of made a proverb of never throwing anything away, though - he always said you never know when you might find use for it after all... However, after having spent 3 years going through stuff in my parents' house after they died (and having to hire someone for the final clearing) I kind of promised myself to try not to follow his example too much!!

  9. Always good to have a clearout of stuff once in a while. I have a mantra that is if I haven't worn something in my wardrobe for over a year, out it goes and it works nicely.


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