
Friday 1 September 2023

Goodbye August, Hello September

Decorations on the old chest in my living room
were changed to 'autumn colours' last weekend.

The last week of August seems to have "swooshed" by. For one thing, I woke up on Tuesday morning finding myself 68 years old, while when I went to bed the night before I was still 67. Really quite enough to make one a bit confused about the Passing of Time... ;-) 

I did not "celebrate" as in having a party; but  various greetings kept dropping in anyway - by mail, email and Facebook etc, + four long(ish) phone calls spread over the day. 

In between, in the early afternoon, I also went for a walk into town for a couple of minor errands + had an ice cream in the park. It was a "nice enough" day, although not quite as sunny as in the photos below ...

... which were taken a week earlier, when I was in town for a haircut.

Decided (in cooperation with my hairdresser) to have an attempt at a fringe (bangs) again. Not all that much hair to play with these days, though, so we'll see how it goes! 

The day before my birthday, I tidied up a bit on my balcony, after all the rain lately.

My strawberry plants have kept producing some berries in spite of all the rain during July and August. And even the single cherry tomato plant has given me a dozen or so fruits.

Photo from mid August


  1. I like your bangs. And the photos of the red roofed buildings in combination with the flowers are gorgeous. Your cards are really nice! Happy birthday again!

    1. Thanks Ginny. I had bangs most of my life but let it (them?) grow out during the pandemic, visiting my hairdresser less often then...

  2. Happy birthday dear friend. You and I have similar hair color and hair style, I always have bangs. Those strawberries of yours look delicious.

    1. Terra, I nearly always had bangs until the pandemic, and lately I felt I kind of missed them, so decided to give it a go again.

  3. I love how you have changed the deco to autumn colours, and I intend to do the same on the chest of drawers in my mini hallway, where Fred Fox‘s portrait lends itself to an autumnal atmosphere.
    Yes, good-bye August, welcome September! For me, the most poignant of transitions throughout the year.

    1. Meike, as you probably know by now, I have a number of different fake flowers/branches for that vase which I like to vary a bit with the seasons... 🙂

  4. Belated Happy Birthday!
    Yes, your autumn decorations look lovely, so cheerful. We don't get the abrupt change of seasons here, and it's rather disappointing as I've always loved the autumn colours, and those intense reds and yellows were always a delight.
    Your fringe makes a nice change to your hairstyle. I've had one for years - mainly because when I was young my mother would never let me have one. My face feels naked if I decide to let it grow out, and sweep my hair off my face. I'm soon reaching for the scissors!
    Just a thought - I wonder why it's called bangs in the U.S.?

    1. Thanks Carol. It's not quite autumn here yet but the first signs are beginning to show, and I like to mark the seasons a bit indoors as well.
      I've had a fringe nearly all my life, ever since early childhood. It was during the pandemic I decided to let it grow out, as I didn't make it to the hairdresser as often - and felt my days of being bold with the scissors myself are over... 😉 Lately I've begun to miss the fringe though so decided to have a go at that again...
      I don't know why they call it bangs in the US (must look into that some time!) There are some words and expressions that always make me hesitate because although I primarily try to use BE I also read, hear and watch a lot of AE - and language use also keeps changing through the years...

  5. I like the fringe. I am envious of your strawberries. I had a few in the Spring and that was that.

    1. Thanks Graham. I'm quite happy myself to have the fringe back, even if there isn't all that much of it!

  6. I find it feels so good to have a haircut every 6 weeks, just makes me feel so much better. Mind you my hair grows thicker faster than it does in length. Happy birthday too! You look good for your age.

    1. Amy, I probably start thinking about it after about eight weeks - and then it usually takes me another two weeks or so until I actually get round to making an appointment... ;)

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! The cards were lovely as were all your decorative touches around your home, including your balcony. I am not one for parties either, and thought the way you celebrated was perfect. I like your bangs! It’s nice to have a change in hairstyle. I agree, last month went by so quickly, in fact I think this whole year did. Thank you so much for visiting me. I enjoyed my virtual tour of your area. A beautiful town!

    1. Thanks Denise. I find that the older I get, the more I seem to prefer seeing/talking to people just one or two at a time rather than big gatherings :)

  8. Thanks Wanda. With my hair I can't really "afford" to make mistakes with the scissors these days, so better leave it to the hairdresser... ;)


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