
Thursday 7 September 2023

Return of Summer; and the Big Dig

With a very confusing kind of summer behind us (hot and very dry May-June, cool and very rainy July-August), I suppose it shouldn't really come as a surprise that summer now seems to be starting over. If not for the hints of autumn colours in nature, today felt more like a return to spring/early summer: sunny and 21-22°C (~70F).

Passing the Travel Centre on my walk today, I bought an ice cream and sat down for a while in this little park nearby to eat it.

The horse chestnut trees downtown by the river are definitely turning to autumn colour.

Ten minutes walk from home for me (towards the city centre) they've just started digging to build a new supermarket (German Lidl). (This space was a parking lot before. When they're done, the new store will be on the ground floor, with parking on top.) Not sure it will change my shopping habits all that much (ordering most of my food online with home delivery every fortnight from a local Swedish supermarket). But we've been lacking a big supermarket in the city centre for ever so long now, so no doubt they'll attract a lot of customers. (And probably even me from time to time, as I often walk by that spot anyway.)

There's quite a lot of digging for other purposes going on in the neighbourhood as well - making it a bit tricky at the moment to guess which way into town may be the best to walk, from one day to another. In this street, they seem to be widening one of the pavements to probably also serve as a bike lane. (What - if anything - will happen to the other pavement remains to be seen.)


  1. The purple flowers are beautiful. The heat here has set all-time records. We had a Lidl here, about 30 minutes away. I liked it! But it didn't even last two years, and now it is closed for good.

    1. Ginny, I think we already have a Lidl in another part of town, but I've never been there.

  2. You are lucky to be getting an extended Summer. The flower in the top photo are called Agapanthus here, they are pretty but they self seed everywhere and are so difficult to get out.

  3. I don't think we have seen the small park in your first photo before, have we? It looks very nice, like a spot I would enjoy for lunch break if I were working nearby.
    Our summer has been very mixed, too, but September is a beautiful month most years - warm and sunny during the day (we're having almost 30C again), with cool enough nights to air the flat and sleep well.
    So Lidl is coming to Boras now. They, along with Aldi, are the most widespread German supermarkets as far as I know. Here in Germany, Lidl have not the best reputation - not because of their prices or products, but because of working conditions. There has been a scandal some years back when it became known that some Lidl managers were illegally observing their staff with video cameras, even in their break rooms.

    1. Meike, I walk past that small park every now and then (when going that way into town), but I very rarely sit down there - so probably not all that many photos of it either. (Only sat down there now because I bought ice cream and wasn't on my way to anywhere in particular.)

  4. It does look nice and summery still - it will hopefully make your winter seem shorter.
    We have both Lidl and Aldi here, both less than 10 minutes away from home in the car. In fact I popped into Aldi this morning - they seem to be the only supermarket that sells herring in cream sauce, which I love with salad. They have a good selection of continental cheeses too.
    I've been told that in the centre of our little town we are to have one of the biggest (if not the biggest!) Lidl's in Europe - the site is being cleared now. I'll take a look when it opens, but it's not in a convenient location for me to visit regularly. I can't see that such a huge store will be successful when we rely on summer tourists and the town is almost dead during winter.

    1. So it seems Lidl is expanding both north and south, then... I'll wait to form an opinion until I have some personal experience of their services, I think!

  5. there is enough green left, to make the golden leaves even prettier and the flowers sparkle with all the green and gold. Love that wall behind the huge bench where you sat with your ice cream. seems every where, no matter the country is building and building. i guess they have to since we are now at 1.9 billion people on this tiny planet

    1. I suppose you're right, Sandra. I keep wondering about all the huge shopping centres popping up on the outskirts of towns though, while small neighbourhood shops closer to where people actually live are struggling. But I guess it's to do with us getting more and more spoiled with options and choices (and the small shops can't offer "everything"....)

  6. My favourite season, purely for the different colours. I do tend to take the most photos then.


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