
Sunday 15 October 2023

Autumn Multitasking


Sunset from my balcony on Monday.  

For the most part, from Wednesday onwards, it's been an Indoors kind of week, though - very wet and windy outdoors, and even if I've managed to slip out for a short walk now and then, not really "camera weather". 

On Thursday I said "bye bye" to my piece of parkbench art in the cemetery. With only two dull brown leaves and a couple of shrinking chestnuts left, I decided to declare that exhibition over, and removed the last of it myself. ;-) (Cf my previous October posts.)

The autumn leaf collage on the inside of the door to my flat, safe from the elements, is still there for myself to enjoy though.

Photo from the cemetery on Thursday afternoon (during a break in the rain).

Photo I managed to snap from under my umbrella in dense rain on Friday (on my way to post a letter). The red leaves stood out as kind of luminiscent and begging to be photographed in spite of the weather - even if managing the phone camera with just one hand is difficult!

Indoors it's been a week of multitasking, from cleaning (Monday), ordering groceries (Tuesday), washing (Wednesday), receiving home delivery of groceries (Friday) and cooking (Friday/Saturday) - to (in between) sorting through old papers and photos to do with family history (never-ending project). 

I'm still in email communication on and off with the guy writing a book involving a couple of relatives of mine from before my own entrance into the world. (Cf my post from mid September - Elsewhere and in another Time.) And as I do most weeks, I've also been putting together a post for Sepia Saturday on my blog Greetings from the Past. The Sepia theme for this month is Portraits - which also sent me on a wild goose chase around my flat trying to remember where on earth I may have hidden a couple of photos in paper frames too big for the boxes and albums where most other photos are kept. (I still haven't found those, which of course will continue to drive me nuts until I do.) 

Illustration by by Microsoft Bing Image Creator



  1. Nature's colours are beautiful even in the rain

    1. JayCee, they are that - for a little while longer, at least... ;)

  2. the red tree from under your umbrella is beautiful. the octupus at the end is ME ME ME... and my brain struggles to keep up with the arms. i hate when I lose something in the house and i know its there but can't find it. you are right, can not get it out of mind until i find it

    1. Sandra, I think it's my best AI image so far! ;-) Still no idea where to look for those photos, and it still bugs me that I can't remember...

  3. I'm not sure whether it's the white background or a different photo with different exposures but the 'door leaves' look much richer in the previous post.

    1. Graham, it may be a combination of both. It's the same photo but I may have done the 'cutout' from a different edit.

  4. What a gorgeous sunset. And strangely enough, your first tree matches it!

    1. Ginny, it's only a limited time of the year that I can (sometimes) catch the sunset from my balcony like this.

  5. It's a glorious sunset, with the golden clouds highlighted, and the trees still have some lovely autumn colours.
    The multi-tasking octopus made me laugh - there are times when I could do with so many arms!


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