
Tuesday 10 October 2023

More of the Same

Rowan tree

 I'm still collecting autumn leaves on my daily walks - "hands on" as well as with the camera...

Besides maintaining my park bench installation, I also made a temporary arrangement on a family grave in the cemetery - the flowerbed on it being bare at the moment, waiting for its "official" winter decorations. (I should perhaps add that it's my own great-grandparents' grave... I'm not haunting those belonging to strangers!)

I also took home some leaves, pressed them over night (in a newspaper, under heavy books), and used those for a decoration on the inside of the door to my flat - using a combination of fridge magnets and glue-tack to attach them. (It's a "security door" so beneath a fake layer imitating wood, it's metal.)


  1. Wow, the colors of the fridge leaves! I wish there was a way to keep them forever.

    1. Ginny, taking photos of them is kind of doing that... ;-)

  2. What a great way to decorate the door to your flat! I love it, and am now wondering whether I should attempt something similar. My door is not metal, though, and I have my autumn display on the chest of drawers right next to the door.
    I am sure that people who walk by "your" park bench and those who pass by your family grave notice the collages.

    1. Thanks Meike. Just using blu-tack or similar would work just as well, I'm sure. Just a fun experiment costing nothing... I'm interested to see how long they keep their shape or colours - or not! (I'm not sure I pressed them long enough, they keep 'crumpling'.) The arrangement on the grave only lasted two days, yesterday the grave was evidently scheduled to be raked and "my" leaves were cleared away along with leaves and twigs fallen randomly from the trees nearby.

  3. Those are very attractive arrangements and the one on your door is a brilliant idea.

    1. Thanks Carol. Just a bit of "autumn fun"... :)

  4. Loving how you're looking after your parents grave, so many people don't and it's sad.

    1. Amy, this is not my parents' grave, it goes two generations further back, and it's really my aunt (living elsewhere) who is keeping it looked after (by graveyard staff). But as this grave happens to be in the cemetery close to where I live and where I go walking almost daily anyway, I'm "keeping an extra eye" on it for her... - My own parents' grave is in a countryside churchyard outside town, and since I don't have a car, I can't visit very often. But my brother and I pay an annual fee to have it looked after (and I know from my occasional visits that churchyard staff do a good job there as well).


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