
Thursday 14 March 2024

Reading Difficulties


I'm struggling to find blogging inspiration at the moment. The weather is still mostly grey and rainy, with nothing outdoors to inspire photograpy (or long walks). It could be a great time to settle down with a good book - and I tried to, as I had a newly bought Swedish book I wanted to read (third in a series). But alas I find myself really struggling to read small print now, due to the macular degeneration on my left eye (with which I was diagnosed back in December). I tried using a magnifying glass, but that's really not relaxing either... However, I have now found the book in question in a special library audio book app which I have access to since before (for people with various kinds of visual impairments) - it had just recently been added there.  So I guess I'll be able to finish the book while resting my eyes at the same time after all. (Reading E-books has advantages over printed books as well, as one can adjust the text. I still need breaks from too much "screen time" as well, though - so am very grateful for audio books.)

Bing AI was in fairly cooperative mode when I asked for illustrations - but it obviously has not yet grasped the concept of audio books. (It seems to think that it involves connecting headphones directly to a printed book... Still a challenge for technology to make possible!) (AI also seems to have certain problems with keeping the rain on the outside of the windows - which luckily I do not...)



  1. Did I know about your Macular Degeneration? I was recently diagnosed as well. Is your wet, or still the dry kind? I have something called The Amsler Grid on the fridge that will keep track of it, you just look at it every day and go to the doctor if the lines are squiggly.

    1. Ginny, I posted about it in December after I got the diagnosis, but checking the comments on that post now, I notice that you did not comment, so you may not have seen it. (I've now added a link to that old post in the text above.) - It's the dry kind that I have. The Amsler test is included in a brochure I got from the doctor.

  2. I just had my annual eye check up and was relieved to hear no macular problems, as we age it is always waiting out there. its good you like the audio, and of course the Kindle is better since the fonts can be large and bold. I don't have your issue but since I read a lot, my fonts are easy to read. I do notice my eyes tire much quicker than they used to. of course some of that maybe entirely to much computer screen time

    1. Sandra, one problem for me is that Swedish e-books aren't compatible with Kindle devices.

  3. forgot to say, you have the magic touch with AI making the women look a lot like you. I cant get it look like me. I do ok with Beau. I did not notice the indoor rain until you mentioned it and I went back for a second look.

    1. I did not notice the indoor rain at first either, as my focus was more on the other things ;-)

  4. The indoor rain is hilarious! It really makes one wonder how much of "i" as in "intelligence" there really is in AI :-D
    Still, the pictures are fun, and illustrate your post well.
    For me, the main problem with reading for any longer than 10-20 minutes was the lighting. It had to be very bright - my bedside table lamp is too bright now that I don't have the reading difficulty anymore. The operations were the best thing that happened to me healthwise in all my life, seriously.

    1. Meike, hopefully AI & I both keep learning... ;-)
      Glad your eye operations were helpful for you. Apparently there is no surgery or other treatment for dry AMD, though. (I may still need cataract surgery at some point further on, but my present difficulties fit better with AMD. AMD just never crossed my mind until I got the diagnosis, as I wasn't familiar with it at all.)

  5. I'm glad we don't have indoor rain! There's enough of it outside.

    1. I can only agree with you there, Jenny! ;-)


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