
Sunday 31 March 2024

The Times They Are A-Changin'


Late on Easter Eve, before going to bed, I made an inspection tour around my flat, setting my manual clocks + watch to "summer time"... (I nearly always forget at least one. If I did this year too, I have not yet discovered it.)

Did I hear someone ask "How many clocks does one woman need?" Answer: As I don't like to wear a watch at home (only put it on when I go out), I have clocks in every room. An alarm clock beside my bed. One standing on the cooker hood in the kitchen. A wall clock in the hall (can also be seen from some positions in the living room, and from the bathroom if the door is open). Another one on the wall in my study. And an extra smaller clock by the TV in the living room. 

Somewhat to my surprise, I actually did manage to wake up in time to be able to get myself off to the Easter Sunday church service as well (at 11 am in the same church I also visited on Thursday and Friday). Again not raining, so also a nice walk there and back.

Photo discreetly snapped at the very end of the service.

▲Things that caught my eye on my way back home.▼

On Easter Eve (before my clock round) I watched Shadowlands, an old favourite of mine (from 1993) which I managed to find and buy on DVD some time ago. It's based on the growing friendship, love story and marriage between the author C.S. Lewis (played by Anthony Hopkins) and a Jewish American woman, Joy Davidman Gresham (Debra Winger). Their time as husband and wife was cut very short by Joy getting cancer - but at the same time, that was also what brought them really close. (If like me you're a C.S. Lewis fan, my guess is you've probably already seen this film at some point.)


  1. I have watched Shadowlands twenty four times.

    1. Wow. I can't think of any film I've watched *that* many times. (Thanks for visiting my blog, Northsider - I'm not sure our paths have crossed before?)

    2. No I don't think so Dawn. If you put Oxford in my blog search. You will see the Bird and Baby where The Inklings use to meet.

  2. Spare a thought for my friend who is a clock collector. Twice a year he has to go around adjusting his collection (in the hundreds). It takes him a couple of days.

    1. (JC) Phew. I doubt I'd bother with them all if I had that many...!

  3. I've seen this movie. That is a fancy church. I like the tree decoration.

    1. Ginny, the crocheted 'thingy' I found on a tree close to an arts & crafts shop.

  4. I loved Shadowlands too, maybe I will buy a copy. Did you read Becoming Mrs. Lewis? A novel that I think captures what Jack and Joy were like. The church you attended is beautiful.

    1. Terra, 'Becoming Mrs Lewis' is on my To Read list since a while back. Watching the film now reminded me of that... (I keep downloading more books to my Kindle than I can find the time to read...)

  5. I have stopped wearing a watch many years ago. At work I never needed it anymore, since both 5he computer and the desktop telephone showed the time. At home, I have a wall clock in the living room and in the kitchen, both radio controlled, so no need for me to set them to summer or winter time. A small radio-controlled alarm clock sits on my bedside table, and that‘s it. My mobile phone goes with me when I‘m out and can be checked for time when necessary (such as when using public transport).
    You had good weather for the Easter weekend and used it well.

    1. PS: I have never seen Shadowlands, but it sounds like something I would enjoy.

    2. Meike, for my own part I find it easier to put on my watch when I go out rather than to keep checking the phone. And it's such a deep rooted-routine that I hardly think about it.

  6. Like you, I always set the clocks before I go to bed on the night before the changeover. No idea why I do it, as I'm never in a hurry to get up on Sunday morning! However, for the next six months my car clock will be showing the correct time - it's one I never bother to change!

    1. Carol, I usually do it before going to bed to make sure I don't forget about it when I wake up the next morning. (It's been a long time since I totally forgot, though - as in actually arriving late or early for something because of not having changed the clocks.)

  7. I seem to remember a TV adaption of that film many years ago. Happy Easter

    1. Happy Easter, Billy. Wikipedia tells me that the TV film came first, back in 1985. I can't recall ever having seen that one.

  8. not a movie I would watch and still in shock that anyone watched a movie 24 times. the most I have watched is a few maybe 4 times in 20 years, like once every 4 years. that church is so beautiful. about the clocks, we are down to 5 clocks in the house and 2 in the cars. we used to have several watches that needed to be changed. that doesn't count the clocks that change themselves on devices. that would be another 5 to change. the clocks in the cars will get change when I think about doing it, which could be a month or so

    1. Oh dear, Sandra - I guess we just have to establish once again that "overall", we don't really share the same taste in neither movies nor books... ;-) (I also do have favourites that I keep returning to, even if I probably can't beat 24 times.)

  9. I will look out for the movie you recommended, I haven't seen it or heard of it before. I see someone has crocheted or knitted around the tree, there's a town here named Tauranga where alot of the trees have been decorated like that, I like it, gotta have a bit of colour here and there.

    1. Amy there's an arts and crafts shop near that tree and I suspect they may have be "involved" in puttimg up that decoration... ;)


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