
Tuesday 2 April 2024

April Weather


We got thrown back to winter here today. Over the Easter weekend we had daytime temperatures reaching around 10'C. Yesterday, on a semi-sunny walk around the old cemetery, I snapped the photo to the left. Today, we're down to around 0'C, and snow. The photo to the right was taken from my balcony - and no, it's not a black&white photo!

It's a common enough phenomenon here in Sweden for everyone to be familiar with the expression "April weather" (aprilväder). I'm not quite sure if it occurs often enough in Britain to be as frequently used there.


  1. we had a cold spell not normal, but our cold is your spring weather. sorry about the snow. hope the sun melts it soon. bob said when he was in Pennslvania, they often had snow like this in March/April. they did not plant their gardens until After May 30th because of the cold spells.

    1. Sandra, yesterday we had sunshine all day, but that was not enough to melt all the snow from the day before. And today it's snowing again, on and off. It will probably turn to rain from tomorrow, though.

  2. Crazy weather can't make up it's mind!

    1. Ginny, we know this can to happen, and yet we never seem to be prepared for it. It caused lots of traffic problems with trucks and cars getting stuck in queues on major roads for hours and hours...

  3. "April, April, der macht was er will" is an old saying here in Germany, and it fitted our March weather as well. Can you imagine we're in for temperatures up to 26 Celsius this coming Saturday?! Right now, it is chilly, grey and wet...

    1. Meike, I'm certainly having a hard time imagining 26 C just now! (Snowing again today.)

  4. The only saying I can quote about British weather is "March winds and April showers, bring forth May flowers". Not always true because I can remember one year when we had snow in June, followed by a heatwave that lasted through July, August and well into September!
    It's been miserable weather here over the Easter holiday and many people, expecting warmth and sunshine, must have wondered why they had bothered to come!

    1. Carol, I can only hope that saying applies to snow showers as well... Snowing again today outside my windows.


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