
Wednesday 17 April 2024

Cherry Blossoms

Having seen the magnolia tree in bloom on Monday (previous post), yesterday I went to check on some Japanese cherry trees in my neighbourhood. And yes, they're blossoming now as well, in spite of still rather chilly spring weather so far.

I'm not really sure how these old trees have coped with the harsh winter this year, though. Only the lower branches seemed to have flowers on them. But maybe the impression will be different in a few days? (I shall try to remember to go back and check again!)



  1. In the first two shots, I love the detailed shadows!

    1. Ginny, so did I. Glad I managed to get them "in focus"!

  2. Beautiful! Love those colours

  3. Those are beautiful! I was surprised by cherry trees in Sweden but then many of my readers are surprised by snow in Arizona!

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog, Catalyst. I suspect you arrived here via Yorkshire (Pudding)... Just clicked my way to yours, and found a similar blossoming tree in your header. Have to say I wouldn't have associated neither those nor snow with Arizona either - but I have to confess I know very little of that state. Sweden too is a country with quite a variety of landscape and climate from south to north, though.

  4. A wonderful sign that spring is finally on it's way for you. Those look beautiful.

    1. Thanks Carol. It's good to see some colours in nature again.

  5. they are gorgeous! maybe the cold got to the top buds and not to the bottom. let us see them in a couple weeks. love those shadows on the ground.

    1. Sandra, that's what I'm suspecting too, about the top buds. You might recall we did get quite a bit extra snow at the beginning of April, just after Easter...

  6. MadSnapper said the word - gorgeous!
    My cherry tree has now shed nearly all its blossoms, thanks to the very warm weather last weekend, followed by cold and very strong winds (gale force), rain and hail during this week.

    1. Meike it's still quite windy and chilly here too. Still dressing in winter clothes to go out.


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