
Tuesday 16 April 2024



Spring is still very slow here, and as some of you will have noticed, I "went away with the fairies" over the weekend, visiting the distant land of Eldoria. (Previous 5 [!] posts...) Yesterday, however, the rain had stopped and the wind died down. I called my hairdresser and asked if she could fit me in some time during the day. She could; so I went for a walk into town around noon. And walking through the park, I was happy to see that in spite of the rough weekend weather, the big magnolia tree there is starting to blossom - one sure sign of spring, after all...

After my haircut (as usual long overdue, but once I get there it does not take very long for my hairdresser's magic scissors to fix it), I went to "have a look" in a few clothes shops in the city centre. Somehow my two pairs of jeans seem to have mysteriously shrunk in the wardrobe over winter. No doubt the healthiest way to deal with that problem would be to shrink myself a bit too - but alas that's always easier said than done... On the other hand, the same ("easier said than done") goes for finding what I want in the shops. One might think those little labels with size numbers would be helpful; but more often than not, especially with trousers, it seems to me that sizes too keep changing with Fashion (even those years when I haven't changed much myself). Anyway... I did not manage to find any new jeans that "felt right" this time. But I did find one pair of thinner ('recycled linen blend'), wide, straight, black summer trousers with legs 'cropped' - which for me (not among the tall and slender) meant full length, and no need to crop them further... So I bought those. (The fact that they're black means they'll go with just about any top in my wardrobe.) 

Some day when the spring weather matches my mood, I might also take a trip to the shopping centre "across town" to see what they have to offer there.


  1. The light in your pictures is again so clear and sharp. Most lovely. Sounds like you enjoy clothes shopping as much as I do.

    1. YP, going from shop to shop trying on clothes in small fitting rooms while one is still in need of winter coat and boots outdoors was never one of my favourite hobbies. I've had friends who seemed to have endless patience for it, but I tend to give up rather quickly!

  2. its good you still need jeans, it will make you get out and go shopping. magnolias are gorgeous, here in Florida they have leaves year round, and bloom once a year. I have never seen a tree minus the leaves with blooms and these are stunning. glad you found one pair of trousers/pants. I need to do some shopping.

    1. Sandra, I fear there is quite a big risk that next time I'll again find myself bringing home something completely different than what I went looking for. Well, at least this time I did at least buy trousers...

  3. The magnolias are beautiful.
    Glad you found some trousers that you're happy with and don't need any alterations. It's always a chore to find trousers that I'm happy with and look and feel right. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress - trousers are so much better now that we have mosquitos that bite during the day!

    1. Carol, I too wear mostly trousers, even in summer.

  4. For my size, many cropped pants end up being full length. Which is fine by me. I have always wondered why cloths sizes are not standardized!! Depending on the manufacturer, the sizing is so different.

    1. That's my experience too, Ginny. And even with the same manufacturer it can vary with the different fashion trends...

  5. I love magnolias and the blue sky background really makes them look good.

    1. Jenny, a blue sky background really makes most things look better, doesn't it! ;-)


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