
Friday 12 April 2024

Eldoria, Chapter 2

Another dreary rainy day outside, and nothing special on my agenda; so why not continue exploring the mystical land of Eldoria, that Bing Copilot introduced me to yesterday...

Fellow blogger Sandra also encouraged me with the idea of in turn using quotes from the AI created story to create more images, and so on... So I decided to take my experiment a bit further, and see if I could get Copilot to continue the story where he left off yesterday, but also include answers to the things I thought he had ignored in the original image. So in the instructions I gave, I again included the same image, and repeated the last few paragraphs from yesterday, but also added what I expected the continuation to include:

Me to Copilot: Please continue the story from the quote and image below. The continuation should include an explanation of why there is a big tooth in the window above the door to the castle, and why the fairy on the stairs to the castle is holding a tootbrush instead of a wand.

"The wizard Alaric whispered an incantation, and the keys glowed with an ethereal light. The door creaked open, revealing a world within that was both wondrous and strange. Lush green plants and vibrant mushrooms lined the path, leading them deeper into the castle’s heart. As they ventured forth, the stained glass windows above cast warm, colorful patterns on the stone floor, guiding their way. The air was filled with the scent of ancient spells and the promise of discovery. And so, Liora and Thalia embarked on their journey, their spirits high and their minds open to the endless possibilities that lay before them. The kingdom of Eldoria buzzed with anticipation..."


Copilot obliged, and produced the following tale - bits of which I then in turn used to ask Image Creator for further illustrations...

Chapter 2

As the trio delved deeper into the castle, the story of the tooth and the toothbrush began to unfold. Alaric, with a voice as deep as the castle’s foundations, recounted the tale:

"In the earliest days of Eldoria, when magic was young and untamed, a great beast roamed the land. This creature, known as the Gargantooth, was born from the earth’s hidden energies and the people’s collective fears. Its massive tooth, a relic of its power, was said to be indestructible and was the source of its strength.
The Gargantooth ravaged the kingdom, its presence a constant shadow over the land.

It was then that a fairy, unlike any other, emerged. Her name was Elara, and she wielded not a wand but an enchanted toothbrush, a gift from the wise witch of the western woods. With this toothbrush, Elara did what no spell or sword could—she cleansed the Gargantooth’s tooth, purifying it from within.

As the bristles of her enchanted brush swept over the tooth, the Gargantooth’s power waned, and it retreated into the depths of the earth, never to be seen again. The tooth, now a symbol of purity and protection, was placed in the highest window of the castle, a reminder to all that courage and purity of heart can conquer the greatest of fears.



Liora, the fairy you see on the steps, is a descendant of Elara. She holds the toothbrush, not as a weapon, but as a symbol of her lineage and her duty. Each day, she polishes the tooth, ensuring that its magic remains strong, safeguarding Eldoria from the darkness that once threatened its very existence."


With Alaric’s tale echoing in their ears, Liora and Thalia felt a renewed sense of purpose. They knew that their journey was about more than just adventure; it was a quest to uphold the legacy of those who had protected Eldoria before them.

And so, with the tooth gleaming above and the path ahead bathed in the stained glass’s kaleidoscopic light, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever mysteries awaited them in the heart of the castle. The kingdom of Eldoria, once buzzing with anticipation, now held its breath, waiting for the new chapter of its history to be written by the brave wizard and the two fairies, guardians of its past and hope for its future."


  1. To be continued :-D
    What remains to explain is what the two fairies in Eldoria have to do with our world's "tooth fairy" - are they one and the same? Relations? A spin-off?

    1. Meike, for my own part I'm quite satisfied with the story AI came up with, and see no need for it to necessarily connect to "our world" at all. I think I'd be more interested in learning more about where they're going next... ;-)

  2. OMG OMG OMG i am playing now.. you are way beyond me, i have yet to get it to work and work it did.... wow wow wow...

    1. Sandra, I can see it becoming as addictive as playing video/computer games is to some people :)

  3. This would make a nice children's book (do they read fairy tales these days?) with the moral about cleaning your teeth regularly. The Gargantooth is suitably scary!

    1. Carol, I'm afraid I'm not really up to date with young children's reading habits. However, it's been reported and much discussed in our news here recently that less books for young adults are being published *in Swedish* lately - not because young people are not reading at all, but because thanks to TikTok and #booktok they now tend to prefer reading in English. (Having loved reading in English myself ever since my teens, I can't really blame them - even if reading in one's first language is of course important as well...)

  4. Goodness, this could put all the movie and T.V. writers out of business!!!

    1. Or perhaps just make their job easier? Who knows!! ;-)


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