
Thursday 11 April 2024

Visiting the Tooth Fairy


Yesterday, I had a fair(l)y unadventurous visit to the dentist. Just a regular check-up, which I "passed with flying colours" - i.e. nothing detected that needed fixing. 

Later in the day, trying to think of something to blog about but coming up with absolutely nothing, I turned to Bing Image Creator to ask for an illustration of a visit to "the Tooth Fairy".  From several attempts to rephrase my request, the most interesting image that came up was the one above. It did not really feel very relevant, though, so I gave up.

Today, looking at this image again, I decided to ask Copilot if I could upload an image and ask for a story to go with it. He (surely it's a he?) said yes, absolutely. It took me some time to figure out how, though. But it turned out that was just because not enough of the web page was visible on my screen - and strangely I had to enlarge rather than diminish to make that happen! Once I did succeed to upload the image from yesterday, though, the story came faster than I was able to read... But it didn't include anything to do with teeth!

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Eldoria, there was a castle known for its enchanting beauty and the magical beings that resided within. The castle, built from the finest stone bricks, stood proudly amidst the rolling green hills, its conical roofs reaching towards the sky.

One early morning, as the sun began to rise, casting a golden hue over the land, two fairies named Liora and Thalia prepared for a momentous occasion. Liora, the elder fairy, wore a gown that shimmered like the morning dew, while Thalia’s attire sparkled with the vibrant colors of dawn.

Beside them stood an ancient wizard, Alaric, with a long white beard and wise eyes that had seen centuries unfold. In his hand, he held a set of keys, forged from starlight and imbued with powerful magic. These keys, he explained, would unlock the hidden chambers of the castle, revealing secrets and powers that had been dormant for ages.

Liora, with her wisdom and grace, was to guide Thalia, the brave and curious younger fairy, through the mysteries that awaited them. As they approached the arched doorway, Thalia’s heart fluttered with excitement. Her wings, delicate and colorful like a butterfly’s, left a trail of sparkling dust in the air.

The wizard Alaric whispered an incantation, and the keys glowed with an ethereal light. The door creaked open, revealing a world within that was both wondrous and strange. Lush green plants and vibrant mushrooms lined the path, leading them deeper into the castle’s heart.

As they ventured forth, the stained glass windows above cast warm, colorful patterns on the stone floor, guiding their way. The air was filled with the scent of ancient spells and the promise of discovery.

And so, Liora and Thalia embarked on their journey, their spirits high and their minds open to the endless possibilities that lay before them. The kingdom of Eldoria buzzed with anticipation, for the tale of magic, power, and discovery that unfolded that day would be told for generations to come.

And they all lived magically ever after.

Copilot then suggested that perhaps I wanted to know more about Eldoria? As he sounded quite eager to go on, I went along with that; and then got a whole background structure about this enchanted kingdom, its inhabitants, the land and the architecture. Feeling rather overwhelmed, I stopped there... 

Curiosity might tempt me to return another day to see if Copilot then still remembers Eldoria, though. And if I can get him to explain the presence of the tooth symbol on the castle, in the window above the door...


  1. OMG! what a story. I assume HE thinks a tooth fairy would live in a castle and that she would have a tooth marking said castle as to where to come get your dental work done. while reading the last few paragrahs, i started to desire to copy and paste some of the descriptions in for HIM to create a photo. Wow, this could go on and on and on and on

    1. Sandra, after having got some rather boring images (just orinary dental nurses - although in one case with elves' ears - or some winged teeth flying around in the background) it was I who added "the toothfairy's castle" + "fairy tale kind of illustration" to my instructions. But when I then fed that image back to Copilot, he chose to ignore the "tooth" aspect. (In my own head I had in mind once having seen a fantasy movie involving a tooth fairy living in a castle, but I can't really remember any details.) - You're right though, one could probably go on and on feeding AI with its own created images and texts back and forth. And I might well have a go at that just to see what happens. (Like, if I can get it to continue a story already started or if it takes off in a completely different direction.)

  2. This would be the Tooth Fairie's abode. Did you notice the giant tooth up in the high stained glass window? A.I. sure has a more creative mind than I do!

    1. Ginny, (cf my reply to Sandra) in my instruction I did ask for "an illustration of a visit to the toothfairy's castle", or something like that - which is no doubt what put that tooth symbol in the window. I'm also wondering whether the thing the fairy on the stairs is holding may be a toothbrush instead of a wand, but I'm not sure!

  3. You really do have fun with generative AI these days, Monica!
    I have not yet attempted to have it write anything for me, but since I love limericks, I might let it have a try some time.
    Earlier this week, I prepared a gift for O.K.'s birthday coming up in early May. He has an Apple watch but is pining after the latest model. With the one he currently wears, I paid half of it as a birthday present some years ago. Now I want to do the same and put it down in writing as a personal voucher/token. And for this sheet of paper, I asked Bing to give me an image, cartoon-style, of a 57-year-old man with short brown hair, blue-grey eyes and glasses, with "half an Apple watch". I changed the prompt several times, even trying "50 % of an Apple watch", and I got some rather good pictures, but nothing that really was like I had imagined - they all showed watches, some recognisable as Apple watches, but they were always whole, never in half. Eventually, I just used the one I found best.

    1. Meike, I keep getting inspired by Sandra the MadSnapper, another blogging friend who loves playing around with AI to learn what it can (and can't) do. Myself, I have no real concept of what an Apple watch does or looks like (compared to other watches). I'd have suspected you might also get images of a man just holding "half an apple"!

  4. The story sounds like an idea for an old-fashioned Walt Disney cartoon!

    1. Carol, I'm sure AI had to watch a lot of cartoons, fantasy films and video games before being allowed to create its own characters and plots... ;-)

  5. Must be the time for visiting the dentist as I went on Tuesday, noting needed doing thank goodness

    1. Billy - always a relief when that's the outcome, isn't it! :D


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