
Tuesday 9 April 2024

The Progress of Spring




Another quite warm day here, in spite of being rather grey. I managed a short walk just after lunch, before it started raining, and noted a lot of Scilla in bloom now, in the lawns around the estate where I live. 

And they have also started planting garden pansies in various places, like in a pot at the entrance of a small neighbourhood shop...

... and in the cemetery.

It was also warm enough for me to wear my new denim jacket rather than a winter coat.

I'll probably have to go back to wearing a winter coat again tomorrow though, as forecasts predict that then the temperature will have dropped back to 8 rather than 18'C (+ rain).


FLOWER in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower--but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, all in all,
I should know what God and man is.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson




  1. I love you, and the poem! You look really sharp in the cap and jacket. Does the flower bed design in the cemetery have any significance? It is unusual. The Scilla are beautiful, and I'm glad to know their name.

    1. Ginny, I think that flower bed just follows the curved line of the hedge behind. No special significance that I know of.

  2. Yay for being able to wear your new jacket. Sorry about it getting cold again tomorrow I know you're ready for some spring sunshine and when that Sunshine comes the cemetery Garden will burst forth and be gorgeous

    1. Sandra, most likely both sun and rain will be "coming and going" pretty much as usual... Today we had rain in the morning, a bit of sun in the afternoon, very strong winds all day. Winter coat back on, but garderners still at work... :)

  3. Denim jackets never go out of fashion, I remember them being the extra in thing in the 1980s.

    1. Amy, my own relationship with denim goes back even to the 1970s... ;-)

  4. That denim jacket and cap look suits you, Monica!
    Scilla are so pretty, aren't they. And pansies I find adorable in all sizes and colours, especially the small ones.

    1. Thanks Meike. Pansies are nearly always the first flowers to be planted in the parks here in spring, as they're rather hardy when it comes to surviving a few weather setbacks

  5. The weather here too is wet but quite warm. It's hard to know what to wear! The denim suits you.

    1. Thanks Jenny. It was back to winter coat again today! ;-)

  6. The flowers look cheerful and you have such lovely public planting and greenery.
    We don't have any public parks locally, so no colourful planting displays here. The most I've seen locally have been on traffic roundabouts or the odd small piece of land adjoining a road.

    1. Carol, I consider myself lucky as first there is a park-like area in between the buildings on the estate where I live, and then the old cemetery nearby, and when walking town I also pass by or through the town park.


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