
Monday 27 May 2024

More Spring Beauty - and Thunderstorms!

 On Saturday (25 May) I went for a walk into the city centre, and through the park there - which is another* place that offers a magnificent display of rhododendron.
*(Cf my post Rhododenron Time, 24 May.)

Approaching the park - view from across the street

I also passed by a horse chestnut tree with pink flowers rather than white (which is more common here):

Along the river, a flowerbed mostly in purple and white.

On Sunday (26 May) I managed a turn around the old cemetery close to home before the weather turned to thunder and rain in the afternoon. The azaleas had started to drop petals already, and will no doubt have lost even more now after a number of torrential rain showers, yesterday + today.

After a night of thunder, this morning started out sunny again, and I optimistically thought I'd manage a walk to the supermarket and back for a few minor errands before the rain clouds gathered again... No such luck though. I made it to the supermarket but when I got back out, I was met by a clash of thunder from a very dark grey sky... And about half way home, the rain set in. I had brought a foldable umbrella though, so did not get totally drenched this time (but still had to change clothes when I got home, of course).

In the afternoon we had more thundershowers, and some very strong gusts of wind as well. I had put all my geraniums on the bench next to the wall in the middle of my balcony, but one of the four pots was swept off from there to the floor. So I moved that one and one more indoors. In a pause between showers, I also went out to "secure" my growing tomato plants a bit better to the trellis...

From the weather forecasts it seems we have to count on several more clashes of thunder + torrential rain showers during the rest of this week. (A type of weather I normally associate more with the month of July than with May...)


  1. Same here. Last night we lost power and a shingle was blown off the roof. These photos are spectacular!! What beautiful blooms. the Horse Chestnut is very interesting to me. And my favorite photo is the two purple flowers, perhaps Allium and tulip.

    1. Thanks for the name Allium, Ginny - I did not know that. (Whether it will stay in my memory, remains to be seen...)

  2. Magnificent is the right word for those rhododendrons! This year, we seem to have only white blossoms on the many horse chestnut trees in Ludwigsburg. I am not sure whether the same tree can show red or white blossoms in different years, or it has to be a red or white tree from the start.
    It looks like we have to get used to this very unsettled kind of weather now, with strong wind and heavy rainfall between sunny days. Best not leave anything out that could easily be blown about.

    1. Meike, I think this "very" red one is a different subspecies than the white ones. However, while looking into this, I also came across some info that I did not know: that the middle part of white horse chestnut flowers - which are not really all white - change colour after they are pollinated - from yellow to red as a warning to visiting bees not to bother with it!

    2. That's interesting to know, and it really makes sense. Thank you!

  3. Love those shrubs, best one I've seen is two rather huge pink ones next to a church in early Spring, was such a beautiful sight.

    1. Amy, spring really does come with an abundance of colour :)

  4. These are all a feast for the eyes! Like Ginny, my favourite is the two purple flowers, something about the composition of your photo makes them stand out.
    We've had very high winds here, too, but no thunderstorms, or heavy rain - something we could desperately do with, though I'm very aware of the old adage "Be careful what you wish for"!

    1. Thanks Carol. I do like to experiment a bit with "angles" sometimes when I can get up close to things... As for the rain, we do need it here as well - I just prefer when it falls gently...

  5. we too are having JULY weather, and HEAT. my favorite are the view from the flowers to the reflections. awesome shots, both of them... I would do a lot more walking if I had all this beauty to take photos of. all I see is the houses and houses and houses.. we have to drive about 10 miles to see something in a preserve. glad you did not get totally soaked.. all the different shades of colors is so pretty and I am putting horse chest nut on my bruise and legs and it works great

    1. Thanks Sandra, I was pleased with how those two photos came out as well. I'm also thankful to have the possiblity to walk into town via mostly "green" areas - first across the old cemetery, then along the river, and through the town park.


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