Friday 24 May 2024

Rhododendron Time


Once the azaleas are in bloom (previous post), one knows that the rhododendron are not far behind.There are now lots of purple ones to be found all over the old cemetery...



... And these impressive pink ones (below) literally grow "right on my doorstep", so that I see them every time I go in or out of the building! ...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks northsider. I just paid your blog a visit.

  2. They are gorgeous, and you got great photos! I like the pink the best, because it seems the only colors here are purple.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Alas they're only a bloom for a short period of time. But they're a welcome splash of colour wile it lasts!

  3. These are wonderful healthy bushes!

    1. Barbara, I always worry about them during harsh winters, but they always seem to come through!

  4. What beautiful rhododendrons, especially nice to have them at your doorstep.

  5. Fabulous - how lovely to see those each time you go in and out of your building!

    1. Carol, I wish they stayed in bloom a bit longer, but maybe one appreciates them all the more because one knows they're only in bloom for a short time.

  6. I saw my first rhododendrons when I was 9 years old. we move to Kentucky and the mountains were ablaze with the flowers. they grow wild there, pink, purple and white. these are gorgeous photos, the closeups are amazing, each beautiful detail. how nice to have them at your door step. I might be tempted to snip one for the house.

    1. Sandra, I don't suppose anyone would notice if I did - but it has actually never occurred to me! The overwhelming beauty outdoors just now is somehow enough - this time of year I don't feel much need of extra flowers indoors.

  7. Hmm… I was sure I had conmented here, maybe my comment went into spam?

    1. Meike, I find no unpublished comment, and no notification email either - so if you did write one, it must have disappeared into the Great Unknown... Thanks for checking back, anyway!


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