
Thursday 9 May 2024

Soothing Sounds of Spring



I keep mentioning the old cemetery close to where I live, where I go walking almost daily. Besides being a place where I watch the seasonal changes in trees and flowers etc, I also enjoy listening to the birds. So it occurred to me that perhaps I should share with you some of the sounds I hear when I walk there as well.

Alas I'm no good at identifying birds by their song, though - and usually they are too far away from me to see, high up in the tree tops. Today (2nd video), as I approached the graveyard chapel, I was able to see that the singer was a tiny bird perched on top of the cross over the entrance. Too far away for me to see what kind, though. If anyone thinks they recognise the sound, please tell me in the comments! :)

I have a clever bird book that also includes recorded sound of birds - but with about 180 different ones included, when one hasn't even got a good guess to start with, that actually doesn't help much!! ;)


  1. Replies
    1. Billy, yes it is. Mostly used for funerals.

  2. I love the sound of birdsong. Songbirds are disappearing for sure. I am not good at identifying their sounds though.

    1. Ginny, as the cemetery is full of big old trees, there are also quite a lot of birds.

  3. That's so pleasant to hear, though I wouldn't recognise the bird by it's song.
    There are very rarely any birds in my garden - thanks to it being the main through route for all the cats in the neighbourhood! Add to that the sound of all the nearby dogs barking at the cats (mine is the noisiest!) and birdsong doesn't stand a chance.

    1. Carol, from my own balcony I tend to hear mostly the big birds like crows, magpies, jackdaws and seagulls...

    2. Monica, that's so much more musical than barking dogs!

  4. that little church is sooooo beautiful and I do like it a LOT! odd you posted this because this morning on our walk, I stopped twice to stand and listen to the birds. one made me laugh and I wondered if anyone peering out of a window saw me. it was a mocking bird and he went through at least 10 sounds, every few seconds. I hated to move on. the other was a small wood pecker playing drums on the metal rain gutter, he flew across the street and played the same song on their gutter. After I got home, I thought why didn't I record the tree that was singing. and here you have singing trees..

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm glad you can hear birds on your walks too! :)

  5. Sometimes warblers fly through our area. I think maybe bluebirds have a pretty song. I recognize just the cardinals by their chirp. Great that you thought to share bird songs!

  6. Both videos sound like blackbirds to me.
    The chapel reminds me of the one at Littlethorpe near Ripon, where my sister-in-law lives. It doesn't look exactly the same, but maybe you can see what I mean; scroll down to the last two pictures in this post:


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