
Tuesday 7 May 2024




Last time I walked through the City Park, around 1½ week ago, the cherry blossom trees there weren't in bloom yet. (They're of a later kind than similar trees growing in other parks closer to where I live.)  Today proved perfect for seeing them in their full glory, though.

The Big Green Rabbit used to stand in another part of the park, but as they're doing some changes in that part now, he's been moved to this spot instead. From this angle, it looks to me as if he's still wondering Why! (There are several benches nearby where people can sit and look at him, though.) 

The official title of the sculpture is Mate Hunting. 
(By Marianne Lindberg de Geer, 2008.

Regardless of where in the park he stands, he always reminds me of the rabbit in Alice's Wonderland though. (Even though the rabbit in that book isn't green, but white). 

"Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!"


  1. You are so right about the expression on the rabbit's face! He is so cool, and reminds me of the Alice rabbit as well. The park is gorgeous!!! I keep picking different favorite photos, but I am thinking the first one and of course the rabbit one. The rabbit should have a proper name!

    1. Ginny, I think the fact that he doesn't have a name leaves us free to call him what we want :)

  2. That would be cute if the sculptor would create a girl bunny for the boy bunny to be displayed together. Your photos are beautiful.

    1. Terra, I suspect the sculptor would refuse, as that would alter her original idea with this sculpture in the first place...

  3. You've captured the blossom at it's very best - it looks beautiful. The rabbit made me smile - he does have a "what am I doing here" look, but it's good that more people can see him.

    1. Carol, being used to seeing him in the other spot I'm still kind of taken by surprise every time I see him against a different background now. I think that what disturbs me slightly is that he's now turning his back to the river and the town, while before he was overlooking them (and sort of welcoming you when you crossed one of the bridges into the park). (They're now doing major changes to that bridge and a new path leading on from there, though.)

  4. I'm late, I'm late for a very important date! love the rabbit. the trees look magical and truly a wonderland. the brilliant pink causes joy!

    1. Sandra, these trees when they're flowering really do add an extra magic touch to the whole park.

  5. "Mate Hunting"? Rabbits should learn that there is more to life than sex. For example there's cherry blossom and telly.

    1. You think that when the statues in the park come alive at night, they sit down to watch telly, YP? (I can sense Lewis Carrol, Edith Nesbit, Beatrix Potter and others turning in their graves at the lack of imagination...)

  6. oh those beautiful colours, love the rabbit, looks like he's being curious.

  7. Amy, there's no doubt a lot going on in his head. (I forgot to mention - his eyes move...)


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