
Sunday 15 September 2024

More Weekend Reflections


The glorious early autumn weather has continued over the weekend. On Saturday I avoided the town centre through, as I knew there would be a big running competition going on, and crowds of people was not really what I was in the mood for. Today, however, I counted on things being a lot calmer - and they were. Above is the swimming hall situated in the town park, reflected in the river.

In the comment section on my previous post, someone wondered if the decorated building above (and below) is a parking garage. No, it's not. It's an apartment building.

Part of the building in the photo below, however, is a parking garage:


Walking on along the river, at the entrance to a walkway under a bridge I discovered another mural that I can't remember having seen before. I'm not sure if it's an official or an unofficial one - I could not see any signature. Somehow it reminded me of the recent media reports from the SpaceX Spacewalk...! 

Under the same bridge, there is an older mural which is definitely at its best on a calm day like this, when the river is very still, acting as a mirror...

A bit further on, this summer's art installation of floating sculptures is still there. (I think until the end of this month?)


Photo from the other side of the river.

I have a few more photos from today's walk, but will save those for another post, and will instead finish this post with a couple of photos from home:

On Saturday afternoon, I sat for a while in the sun on my own balcony.
Most sunny afternoons during summer have been way too hot for that...

My harvest of (cherry) tomatoes (to the right) has not been overwhelmingly impressive; but I have been able to pick a few now and then, and I may get a few more before it's over.

My indoors autumn/fall decorations are subtle, compared to what I see on certain American blogs... Basically they just consist of a touch of orange in my vase of fake flowers, a couple of orange candles, and my two ceramic owls...

 (The larger of the owls is hollow and one can put a tealight inside it. Preferably a fake one.)

Meike asked after Barbie and Skipper, who willingly agreed to pose for another photo. At the moment, they're both in classic outfits rather suitable for nice sunny early autumn weather. Trousers/jeans and tops for both of them sewn by my mum back in the 1960s. And In the background, you see a trivet with an image painted by my water colour artist friend Lena. (Link to a post from last summer when I visited an exhibition of hers.)



  1. I KNEW it looked like a parking garage! the water is a gorgeous color, but perhaps that is the reflection of the blue sky. Love the mural of the man with the birdhouse on his back, would like to know what in the heck it means! Pretty orange candles!

    1. It was you who said it looked like a parking garage, Ginny - and from the little of it that showed in my previous post, I can kind of see why - even if that is not the impression one gets in real life. (Or at least I don't; but then I know that building since almost 40 years...)

  2. your home is looking great and love the plants on the balcony. wow and wow more reflections and that building with the green designs is gorgeous. again i say for the umpteenth time, your town is beautiful

    1. Thanks Sandra. And yes, on a day like this it is - especially down by the river!

  3. The reflection is truly wonderful in deed

  4. A very enjoyable walk you had, and you did well avoiding the crowds on Saturday. The mural of the fishing boat looks great against the calm river.
    My autumn decor has only started; I have a tealight holder with a fox on the chest of drawers in my mini hallway, and the salt and pepper in the shape of a fox and toadstool on the kitchen table. A few more bits will follow, but nothing too much. Yours is tasteful as always.
    And hello there, Barbie and Skipper! Enjoy those remaining sunny days before it'll be time for warmer clothes.

    1. Thanks Meike. You know by now that I too tend to do my decorations gradually!

  5. Lovely photos and reflections. Good to see that the weather is still bright and sunny. The mural under the bridge reminds me of the "Banksy" ones that pop up suddenly all over the UK. The artist has remained a mystery and no-one has ever caught him/her painting them.
    I love your idea of having a dedicated space to welcome to seasons - it, and the owls are gorgeous. Most of my decorations remain the same no matter what time of year it is.
    Barbie and Skipper look very smart. I have made many of my clothes over the years and am in awe of those tiny creations your mother made. The smallest things I ever made were baby smocks when my friends started having babies - and that was many, many, years ago!

    1. Carol, I'm familiar with the Banksy phenomenon in the UK. It's the fact that we've been having a street art biennial going on all summer that makes me unsure whether this mural is one among those officially approved that I just missed, or an unofficial anonymous one. There was also a graffiti weekend just recently (as part of the official program) but participants in that were supposed to keep to a special wall set aside for that - a bit "off centre".
      As for the Barbie/Skipper clothes, I'm sure I appreciate the work put into them even more now than I did back in childhood. My mum was always busy at her sewing machine back then, whether with big things or small.. (I never really inherited her talent in that respect myself.)

  6. Loving the geraniums and the owls. I'm up for taking a photo of people but not getting amongst them, especially large crowds.

    1. Amy, same here. At events I usually keep "on the outskirts" with my camera. But watching people run is not my kind of entertainment anyway... ;)


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