
Saturday 31 July 2021

Read/Listened to in June (2021)


Read in June

Back in May, I listened to the latest book in the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear, The Consequences of Fear (#16). I have read all of the books in this series, but I don't own all of them;  and of those that I have, some are in print, some on Kindle and some on Audible... In June and July I decided to add two more to my Audible collection: The Journey to Munich (#12) and In This Grave Hour (#13). (I also re-read/listened to them.) This means I now have the last six books (11-16) as Audio. I'm not sure I'll bother to collect all the earlier ones, but I do like a bit of "order" in my library, if possible... ;) The Journey to Munich I think is one of those in the series that stand out as most memorable to me in retrospect (previously reviewed here in 2017)

I also bought the 6th book in the Yorkshire Murder Mystery series by J.R. Ellis: The Whitby Murders. Like the previous ones in the series, I got this one too as a very affordable Kindle+Audible deal. Besides rather likeable detectives, two characteristics that I enjoy with this series is that they're all set in typical Yorkshire environments, and they also focus a on good old-fashioned "mystery" (rather than forensics). This time, the background is a gothic festival in Whitby; a Yorkshire coastal town that also plays an important part in the classic Dracula by Bram Stoker (1897).

True To Me by Kay Bratt. I bought this one because I really liked the Scavenger's Daughters series by the same author (set in China). This one did not really speak to me the same way, though. An okay novel, but to me not as special as that other series.

From the Publisher's summary:
Quinn Maguire has a stable life, a fiancé, and what she thinks is a clear vision for her future. All of that comes undone by her mother’s deathbed confession - the absentee father Quinn spent thirty years resenting is not her real father at all. --- Quinn embarks on a journey to Maui, her mother’s childhood home, a storied paradise that holds the truth about her mother’s past ...

The Truth in our Lies by Eliza Graham. I have to be honest: I've already forgotten the basic plot and characters of this novel, in spite of finding the background setting as such interesting. Not even the publisher's summary really brings it back to me now.

From the publisher's summary:
Anna Hall was a beautiful and skilled Second World War air force operative, guiding RAF pilots during the Battle of Britain - before a bomb killed her sister and left her disfigured.  --- Recruited into a secret unit broadcasting destabilizing propaganda to Nazi Germany, Anna finds new purpose in twisting truth with lies.  --- When her undercover work is threatened with discovery, Anna needs all her instincts to untangle the truth in the lies. But what will it take for her to break down the barriers she’s built around herself?


  1. I love finding a series that I love to read. I am close to the end of a series of 16 books and want to reach the end but don't want to. the net hat on the lady is exactly like one I had back in the late 60's.

    1. Sandra, I do recognize that feeling of wanting to reach the end, and at the same time not... ;)

  2. I don't think I have read a book all year! Though I keep buying them!

    1. Ginny, I read a lot more with my ears than with my eyes these days. I prefer it when I have access to both the text and the audible narration, though. It's easier to go back and check things in text, and some of the books I only listen to seem to evaporate much too quickly from my memory afterwards these days! ;) (Not all, though, so I do think it also depends quite a bit on the quality of the story.)


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