
Sunday 6 March 2022

Time for a Change


Waiting for the roofers to get to my building, I've been hesitating about when to do my usual seasonal change of curtains/colour scheme in the kitchen. Still not sure if my building will be next in turn or not; but with this weekend offering sunny weather (and the roofers not at work on weekends), I felt inspired to go ahead and "make spring" indoors anyway - just skipping the window cleaning for now (as there does not seem much point in that if they're soon going to put up scaffolding outside). 
Every time I turn on the radio or TV, everything is still about the situation in Ukraine, so I decided to go with yellow and blue this spring... Well - besides being the colours of the Ukranian flag, blue and yellow are of course also the colours of the Swedish flag...

Another place in the flat where I also change colours with the seasons (or whenever I'm the mood for it) is this chest in the living room. The large needlework on the wall hangs there all year round, though. It was made for me by my mum back in the mid 1970s when I moved into my first proper flat (not counting my first year away from home in a small student bedsitter).


  1. Great colors for spring! Hope the roofers don't disrupt your life too much!

    1. Thanks Barbara. Still not sure when they'll get started on my building. I'm hoping they'll be done before summer; but not much one can do but take it as it comes - and be thankful to have a roof over one's head at all!

  2. hope your roofers move as fast as the guys next door. only 3 of the 11 days so far have been noisy. Your spring colors are beautiful and perfect for what is happening these days. it looks so bright and cheerful... I like you wall hanger, and do no remember seeing it before today

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'd be surprised if I never showed that wall hanger before, but I'm not going to scroll through 13 years of blogging to check... ;)

  3. How cheerful those yellow curtains look, they really bring a touch of spring into your kitchen. I love the needlework - your mum was a very talented lady.

    1. Thanks CG. And yes, my mum was very good with embroidery (a talent NOT inherited by me...)

  4. Your Mom did beautiful needlework; how wonderful that you have this to hang in a prominent place! I adore your yellow kitchen, it is so bright and cheerful!! I am also changing my kitchen colors now, after more than a decade. Mine used to be yellow about 30 years ago! But I had picked the wrong shade and it did not look good. Your yellow is perfect!

    1. Thanks Ginny. I've probably had these yellow curtains for 30 years as well! When ironing them I notice that they're unevenly bleached, but once I get them up in the window one can't really see that.

  5. It's nice to change your indoors to suit the seasons and we've been watching much about the war here too, I wish it wasn't happening.

    1. Thanks Amy. This war is getting a lot more media attention here than any other during my lifetime I think. "Too close to home for comfort"...

  6. Your mother was so gifted, I remember you showing us an illustrated book she made for you when you were kids, too. That needlework is beautiful, no wonder it takes pride of place in your flat!
    As for yellow and blue, you already know that yellow is my favourite colour - and in combination with blue or grey I find it irresistible. My bedroom is yellow and blue, my living room yellow and grey, but all rather pastel, not as bright as the flags.

    1. Thanks Meike. Yes, I remember you like yellow :) This needlework was not her own design I think (made from a bought 'kit' including pattern and yarn) but probably one of the largest in size that she made, and must have taken a lot of counting of stitches etc to get it right.


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