Friday 31 May 2024



In the middle of the housing estate where I live, there is park-and-playground area. The other day when I was passing by (lunchtime, weekday, and kids in school) it happened to be all empty; so I grabbed the opportunity to take some photos. (While I quite like to include people in my photos, the people may not be so keen on it...)

Enclosed playground for the youngest (usually accompanied by parents).

Playground for adults, with boules court, a communal barbeque, and picnic tables.

 Somewhere to seek shelter from sun or rain.


And the most recent addition, just recently inaugurated: Something they call a "multi arena", where various kinds of ball games can be played. (For the somewhat older kids.)


And this they call an "outdoors gym".

These two I suppose are intended to encourage kids to throw litter in the right place...
(Good luck with that!)


Thursday 30 May 2024

Walk With Me (2)

 (Continued from yesterday)

Being done with my errands in town, I chose a different way back home.

Crossing the river via this bridge back to the town park.
The black round building is a restaurant/café. To walk home the same way that I came, I would have walked to the left of that; but now we turn right (west) instead.

A bit further on, I found to my surprise that this bridge had been opened again, after a major renovation that has been going on for a long time... (since last summer, I think) It has a new look now, and new/more benches to sit on and look out over the river. It is part of a long-term project to create a "long park"  all the way through town from north to south, basically following the river.


The white building is a hotel. The mural on it, one of my favourites, is going to be replaced with a new one during this summers art festival. (The old one is getting a bit faded, so I can understand why. Just hoping the new one will be a "good one" as well!) 


 On the other side of the path, still some work going on... Not sure what they're up to there!

Looking back towards the town centre.

Another impressive hedge of old, purple rhododenron.


And a pink one by the river opposite the hotel.

And walking uphill from the park to the south-west exit, even more rhododendron. 

After leaving the park, and crossing a street, we continue uphill, and turn left (east) into an older cemetery. (This is a bit of a detour, which I don't always take - but it is a nicer walk than just continuing along a major road.)

The main path is leading east, towards a small funeral chapel; but we'll turn right down one of those other paths, down a little slope, and then left again to get to a gate in the south-east corner.

South of this cemetery, a new building is growing rather fast now. It's going to be a Lidl supermarket. From what I've read, they'll be opening some time in the autumn.

We have left the cemetery, and are just casting a glance back north, up a little road past the cemetery chapel. (I walk that way more often than I take the detour over that cemetery.)

 But now I'm headed home, so have to continue in the other direction. You can see the Lidl building again in the background to the right; but we'll be turning left, past that mural instead.

This I think is one of our older murals, I think from 2013 or 14. The artist behind is Shai Dahan, an American street artist living in Sweden, who was very much involved in starting our tradition of street art biennials. (This one is getting rather faded as well, but I have not yet seen any mentioning of this one getting replaced yet.)

Walking in direction south, following a street passing under the motorway. 

To the left there's a big old industrial property with several buildings (nowadays housing more offices than production facilities, I think).

On the other side of the street, I like the style of the old white building. Behind the yellow one in the background, we come to a crossroads - and across the road from there, an entrance to the bigger cemetery from yesterday's post.


Walking straight on through the cemetery in direction south.

... until we reach this flowerbed, and turn right.

At the end of that path we find this staircase/exit:

... from where we cross the street, and then a footbridge over the railway...

... and then I'm very nearly back home.
Thanks for walking with me! :-)

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Walk With Me (1)

Today was an "in-between" day with somewhat cooler temperature; and so far no rain. More thunder and rising temperatures expected again for the weekend, tough. 

I grabbed the opportunity to walk into town before lunch without getting wet. (I did bring an umbrella, but did not have to use it.)

From some comment on a previous post, it occurred to me that while I keep posting photos from the same places, I'm not sure if I've ever taken a series of photos all along the way that I usually walk into town. So I decided to try that today.

From where I live, I have only a few minutes walk to the old cemetery. The photo above is from where we've just entered the cemetery, and turned right (walking east). At the end of that path we turn left (north)...

Walking on until the far end of
this path, then turning right again...

 ... down a slope... 

... towards a street and a bridge that we have to
cross to get to the other side of the river...

From the bridge, looking north towards town.

Then following a footpath along the east side of the river.

A bit further on, a footbridge under the motorway.


Walking on along the

Crossing another street, we have reached the southern end of of the City Park.  One can choose to walk on on either side of the river here. Today I chose the left (west) side, through the park.
The building is a public swimming hall.

We have reached the city centre. (I crossed this bridge to get to the part of town where I had a couple of errands.)

The walk from home to here takes me 20-25 minutes.
Maybe 30 with all the stops for photos... ;-)

Walking back home, I chose a different way.

- To Be Continued -


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