Friday 14 July 2017

Lake Reflections

Sweden has about 100 000 lakes larger than one hectare (or 100 x100 m). One of them is Öresjö (sjö=lake) just north of Borås. This lake is ~ 6000 m long and in some places as broad as 1500 m - but in other spots narrower. The photos in this post are from a popular beach and recreational area (Almenäs) at the south-west end of the lake. (What you see at the "horizon" above is not really the other end of the lake; that is further away than you can see.)

I visited this place twice this week and took lots of photos.
Just choosing a few here for



  1. Monica, I seem to remember photos of this beautiful lake from previous posts on your blog. It is a place I can imagine is perfect for a quiet afternoon just resting on its shores, with a good book and a picnic, or for a leisurely jog.

    1. Meike, you are right in thinking you recognise the lake; although my photos previously shown on this blog will probably all have been from the northern (north-east) end of the lake (close to where my parents' house was), while these were taken at the southern (south-west) end of the same lake. More photos and comments in a future post...

  2. What a beautiful lake. Thank you for sharing your photographs of it.

  3. beautiful!!!!!

  4. Gorgeous reflections off the water!

  5. What gorgeous pictures!!! xo Diana

  6. What beautiful photos, it looks like you're having a gorgeous summer.

  7. So gorgeous! Amazing reflections. I think if I would have to choose, the water is prettier than the sky. The water looks so clear, blue and clean! Is that a houseboat?

    1. Ginny, it's not a houseboat, but an old steamship which is sometimes used for tours on the lake. I think just now it can only be booked for private parties etc. There was no sign about regular tours.

    2. Correction: It is not a steamship. I thought it was, but on closer research I find that it has a diesel engine. It was originally built back in the 1880s, though, and in 2001 when it was brought to this lake it was renamed after a steamship that used to run here way back in the 1890s.

  8. Beautiful sky and reflection

  9. The lake is a beautiful place, the reflections are great and have a wonderful atmosphere.

  10. that lake is so beautiful, the first few photos are amazing, the colors, the water, just wonderful... glad you got to see all this beauty and be outside in the sunshine

  11. Those are absolutely stunning reflection shots


  12. The top image is an excellent example of one with a strong foreground, mid-ground and background. And, it's beautifully composed and exposed. Kudos!

  13. It's always a joy to see the lake and this time from a different place and with a charming boat as well.

    1. Thanks Graham. As I've probably said before, this lake always reminds me a little bit of a Scottish loch. Even if the ridges along its shores aren't quite as impressive as Scottish mountains :)

    2. Monica not all Scottish lochs have impressive mountains although most that size are formed in huge rift valleys so more often than not do.

  14. And thanks very much to everyone else too, whether regular followers or just randomly visiting from Skywatch Friday or Weekend Reflections, for all your encouraging comments!


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