Wednesday 26 October 2022

Indoors and Outdoors


This is the geranium (or pelargonium) that I rescued from the balcony last week, before the first (and so far only) frosty night set in. It seems quite happy to be back indoors - and I am quite happy, too!

Meanwhile, the weather outdoors is back to milder, but grey and rainy. I've been out for daily walks in the neighbourhood - but "nowhere special". 

Gardening staff in the cemeteries are having a busy time of year - getting rid of fallen leaves, and decorating graves before All Saints' Day (celebrated here the first Saturday in November).

My maternal great-grandparents' family grave in the old cemetery - with extra "fall decorations", courtesy of the nearby maple trees... ;)


  1. The Geranium is gorgeous, it looks a bit like a rose. I also really like your lampshade.

    1. Thanks Ginny. The lamp shade sort of matches my curtains (which you don't see here but they have a similar colour scheme although different pattern)

  2. The geranium/pelargonia is beautiful. Like Ginny, I think it looks a bit like a rose.
    Wow, that's a LOT of leaves!! Same here, and many people sort of give up and only sweep them once a week.
    All Saints is 1st of November here and a public holiday. It being a Tuesday this year, many people have taken the Monday off as a "bridge" day. O.K. has the day off but I have to work, and he has to play with the village band on the cemetery on All Saints, when their vicar walks through the cemetery to bless the graves. (Not something I have ever witnessed in my town, which is largely protestant unlike O.K.'s area, which is predominantly Catholic.)

    1. Meike, the public holiday was moved here back in the 1950s so that it would always fall on a Saturday. Nowadays the celebrations tend to get a bit mixed up anyway (people celebrating "Halloween" either on 31st Oct or on the Friday before All Saint's day - or not at all...). But 1st Nov is not a public holiday.

  3. The leaves on Your great-grandparents Grave are beautiful it's like a special decoration! And I love the splash of color from the flowers you brought inside. And that is the biggest pile of leaves I have ever seen in my life

    1. Sandra, me too - but they've probably been gathering piles just as big every day this week.

  4. Agree with Ginny's comments - the geranium is beautiful, and I like your lamp shade too!
    Those are a lot of leaves to compost down.

    1. CG, I'd say that's just one day's harvest of fallen leaves from that one cemetery... ;)

  5. the geranium is pretty - I haven't seen many with those 2 colours and that is alot of leaves.

    1. Thanks Amy. Glad I manged to save that geranium from the frost; now it serves as a reminder of summer :)


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