Monday 3 June 2024

Under the Weather

Edited photo from a walk through the park on Saturday morning, when they had the sprinklers on. 

Yesterday, plenty of natural "sprinkling" from up above... Thunder and showers coming and going most of the day. I didn't get out for a walk until towards the evening.

Google Image Search + Wikipedia tell me that this is a Paradise Bush, in English also known as Beauty Bush, or in Latin Kolkwitzia amabilis. It originates from China.

Today I've been feeling generally "under the weather" but not sure if just a reaction to the ongoing changes from warmer to cooler weather (I know I sometimes react weirdly to changes in air pressure) - or if perhaps I also managed to pick up some unknown "bug" from something I ate (no idea what, though). Anyway I woke up with a bit of a stomach ache, and then slept through a lot of the day (on and off) and have not felt like eating much. (No violent reactions to what I did eat, though.) 

If I feel better tomorrow, I may go and put in an early vote in the election for the European Union parliament. (The Big Day is not until Sunday, but I might as well get it over with before then.) Trying to decide about that is really enough in itself just now to give one a headache, though. (Too many issues that I'm not even sure I know my own opinions about.)


  1. I'm sorry. I hope this is just a 24 hour bug. Sleep is the body's way of healing itself, so it is good you are not too sick to sleep.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Not sure what it was, but feeling much better today!

  2. Hopefully, you feel better today and have not developed something full-blown.
    Plenty of paradise bushes here, too, but I didn't know their name until you told us here :-)
    One wonders about the sprinklers having been turned on in the park on Sunday - didn't the gardeners look at the forecast?
    As for the elections, we're holding three-in-one in my country: Communal, regional and European at the same time. Three long lists of candidates to work through and decide on. I have opted for Briefwahl (election by letter) and have dropped off my big fat official envelope last Friday.

  3. Meike, the photo from the park is from Saturday, which was sunny (and those flowers I think newly planted). And we've been having very unpredictable thumdershowers. (May be pouring down for a short while in one part of town but not in another, etc.) So garderners probably doing their best! :)

  4. we finally got another 5 minutes sprinkles of water yesterday.. we need a pour down. Glad you are feeling better, and that you just felt bad not terribly sick which can happen with bugs we pick up.. gorgeous pic of the sprinkler and flowers at the top

    1. Thanks Sandra. Both me and the weather more back to "normal" today :)


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