Monday 7 October 2024

A Quiet Day


Today I haven't heard a sound from above (cf previous post). A bit of sudden noise from downstairs made me jump - but that turned out to just be from refurbishment work being carried out in the flat below (just now empty waiting for new tenants).

It's been a mostly grey day, but no rain, and I got out for a walk after lunch as usual. Autumn colours in progress...

I have washed out the empty plant pots from the balcony, and taken those + plastic floor mats, parasols and my chair down to the basement storage room. (Should I still want to sit there for a few minutes on a sunny afternoon, there is a wooden bench that I keep out there all year round.) The 'privacy' trellis screen with the fake leaves that I bought back in spring will stay up until November, I think. A box of strawberry plants is still on the railing, too. (It will later go into hibernation under the bench, which will in turn be covered with a tarpaulin for winter. But no need to do that before November either.) 

Indoors weather is predicted for later in the week. I have a dentist appointment on Wednesday - just now it looks like I might manage that without getting too wet; but that of course remains to be seen. Then they say storm Kirk is going to hit us on Thursday/Friday. Probably in a somewhat weakened state compared to further south in Europe, though.


  1. What is this gorgeous yellow tree? So quiet upstairs, maybe he killed them all. Just KIDDING!!!

    1. Don't know what kind of tree that is Ginny, but it turns yellow very early in autumn.

  2. The remnants of yet another hurricane on its way. It seems never ending.

  3. I did not know about Kirk, seems the entire planet is being plagued with storms, fires,tornados and soon snow... glad its still quiet.

    1. Sandra, you've certainly had your (un)fair share already. Here it usually does get worst when combined with snow.

  4. The autumn leaves turning is a blessing to see

    1. Ro, they have their own kind of beauty for sure.

  5. You even got some blue patches of sky on that day. Beautiful!
    How many trips down to the basement did it take to get everything stored?
    "Kirk" is forecast to hit us on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, but in my area, we're not expecting anything too bad. What happens on the higher parts of the Black Forest remains to be seen.

    1. Meike, as there's a lift I can take a lot more up/down in one go than if I had to use the stairs, so that's not too much of a problem. I did the "autumn cleaning" of the balcony gradually over a few days though.

  6. You really have some very pleasant walks Monica, the trees are such a lovely colour. It's still very mild here - yesterday was 29ºC - two degrees down from the day before. Perhaps it's finally cooling down, though I see that the long-range forecast promises a few days with temperatures back into the 30's! I'm not sure if the tail-end of hurricane Kirk will reach this far south - hopefully the Pyrenees will offer us some protection.

    1. Carol, the old cemetery nearby is a good place for walks all year round really (less photo-inspiring in rainy winter though). 29C to me is still "too hot" rather than "mild"... Anyway I hope neither of us will get too much trouble from storm Kirk!


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