Tuesday 15 October 2024

"Autumn is a Second Spring"

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower"
– Albert Camus

Yesterday after lunch I walked into town to get my seasonal flu + covid shots. My health care centre is in that building behind the trees. Things were well organised this year: No problems neither with registration, nor having to wait too long; and the procedure itself went smoothly and quickly (but without feeling rushed). There was a bit of light rain when I walked back, but no wind to speak of, so that was no problem either (I had an umbrella).

After a bit of rest at home, I went out again later for a shorter walk to the nearby branch library to return a book and borrow another. As I've mentioned before, we just recently got a small library back to my part of town, after it's been gone for a number of years. Probably only back temporarily but I intend to make use of it while it's here...  

Unfortunately it is difficult for me to read books with small print these days - one I returned now I ended up also borrowing online as audiobook to be able to finish it... (A Swedish book not available in English, so no use going into details here.)

I still like to browse around for a while when I'm there, though, because what I still find easier among "tactile" books is to just browse around without a clue what I'm looking for!

Today I woke up with two sore upper arms after the injections, but otherwise feeling okay. (No fever etc.)  After a lazy morning och some lunch, I went for a walk to the supermarket for just a few items, and on the way passed these magnificent RED rowan trees...

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." - George Eliot

Sunday 13 October 2024

Just Walkin'

Above: Friday - walking around the old cemetery

Below: Saturday - walking into town and back

On Saturday afternoon I also spent some time preparing a post on my blog Greetings from the Past, for the Sepia Saturday October theme "Special Times". You can read that post here. It goes a bit beyond my personal family history - but it was my grandfather who took the photos!

Friday 11 October 2024

Autumn Reflections

Sunday 6 October


Tuesday 8 October

Wednesday 9 October


Wednesday 9 October

The past week here offered several opportunities for river reflections combined with autumn colours. :)

Wednesday 9 October 2024

This & That


Walked into town today for an appointment with my dental hygienist, just a routine checkup and treatment, and all went well with that. The sky was grey, but it did not rain, and there was no wind either - the river was almost like a mirror. 


Weather forecasts for the next couple of days here have changed a bit and now it seems that storm Kirk probably won't be affecting the area where I live much, but will follow the east coast up north . Will still be raining here tomorrow, but no special warnings issued.

Got a message that flu (+covid) vaccinations are starting here already this week; which is almost a month earlier than usual. Logged in for further info and managed (I think!) to book an appointment for that on Monday. Last year I remember it all got rather chaotic with long queues at the health care centre in spite of pre-booked appointments - I can only hope they've managed to organise it better this year... 


Tuesday 8 October 2024

Down by the Riverside


Autumn keeps making daily progress here. Today was overcast but neither windy nor rainy when I went out for my walk after lunch - which got extended a bit from my usual stroll around the old cemetery. Still kept rather close to home though, as rain was not far off... (Started after I got back home again.)

At home, it has continued to be quiet. I've been catching up on some "computer things" but otherwise had a rather lazy day on the whole.


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