(The very first image that came up when I typed “some anniversary” in the Google image search box”"!!!)
Too much of my time lately seems to be taken up by technology trouble. If not one thing, it’s another.
Have you been hit by the Windows 10 Anniversary Update yet? Until this morning, I had not even heard about it… However, when I started my computer today (intending to reply to a few blog comments before lunch) this happened:

Okay… I guess I’ll have my lunch while that goes on then…?
1 hour later: 32% done.
2 hours: Just a wheel of dots spinning on black screen...
(…on and on and on, and nothing else happening…)
3 hours: Still spinning. No idea what's going on.
Phoned my brother for moral support before taking the bold decision to turn the computer off and on again.
Looked promising at first; but soon back to what I later learned also goes by the ominous name of SWOD (spinning wheel of death)… I took my chances though and just left it spinning while I went out for a walk.
4½ hours (or so): Back home. Cup of tea. Wheel still spinning, no change. New decision: Turn off. Let computer rest and cool off for a while. Do the same myself… Read up on things in manual.
5½ hours: Deep breath, pressing the start button again. Missed hitting F8 at the right moment (as the manual advised) – darn… Okay, let’s see what happens… oh? Smart computer… It understood my intention anyway…
Another half hour or so, and bingo:
So it seems I’m now back to the version of Windows 10 that I had before the attempt at “anniversary” update. (If I’ve lost anything else in the process I’ve not discovered that yet.)
The question remains: What happens next time I have to turn the computer off and on again? – as no doubt at some point I shall have to.
For tonight I’m contemplating the alternative to perhaps just try and put it to “sleep” rather than turn it off properly, though… We’ll see how that goes!