Sunday, 25 August 2019

Missing Header

I was going to change the header of my blog to this image, but for some reason Blogger refuses to upload it from my computer. I only managed to remove the old one (and can't get that back either). I'm posting this now to see if I can find a way around the problem... 
It worked - once I had posted it here, I was able to copy the 'url' to the header. Strange, though - I've never had this problem before. I've always been able to upload images to the header directly from my computer. Has anyone else been having the same problem recently??


Ginny Hartzler said...

I haven't had this issue. The berries are beautiful!

Librarian said...

I have not been using a header photo in years, as one of my readers complained back then that she had to scroll down so much to get to the actual posts. But I like headers on other blogs, and the berries here are lovely!

MadSnapper said...

I haven't changed my header In a very long time. now I am afraid to try it.. weird!

Graham Edwards said...

I've not changed by header for many years and I don't propose to change it n the future either - all the more so after your problem.

DawnTreader said...

I often feel inspired to change my header (and sometimes also background colour) with the seasons... I crop header photos to a narrower oblong size, to avoid the 'scrolling problem'. Uploading the photos has not been a problem before. As I found an alternative way to do it, never mind. (Still always bugs me when I don't understand "why", though. But I'll leave it for now...)

DawnTreader said...

Yeah - weird! I'll look into it again some day when I feel I have the time and patience for that kind of thing. Perhaps it was just a temporary bug. But if you should ever run into the same problem, just do what I did - publish the image in a blog post first, and then you can copy the image url from there to the header.

DawnTreader said...

Graham, you have a header that works just fine all year round - no need to change it! I kind of enjoy updating mine from time to time (or at least I did until now...)

DawnTreader said...

Thanks. And as you change your header often, I'm glad have not had this issue. (I'm hoping it was a temporary bug and will magically repair itself until next time I feel inclined to try!)

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