Thursday, 2 March 2023

Canada Geese

I came upon these Big Birds in a park down by the river. I didn't want to disturb them so I kept "respectful distance", using the zoom on my camera. Checked my bird book when I got home, and it confirmed they were Canada geese (which I had already guessed). They're common enough here, but I've rarely seen any "in town", and never in this spot before. One of them seemed to be on "guard duty" while the rest were feeding!


"Hey, human - I hope you're not thinking of coming any closer!"


MadSnapper said...

Geez can be mean and they make great guard dogs or make that guard docs Faja guard geese as what they are. Beautiful pictures I had no idea they would show up way over there of course you may be closer to them then we are down here in Florida

Librarian said...

We get Canada geese here, too; they gather around the small lake just outside Ludwigsburg (Monrepos, as seen on my blog many times) as well as the palace grounds. Like you, I am always cautious around geese and don't get too close for their (and my) comfort.

Coppa's girl said...

The geese look very healthy - there must be some decent food around. I can't recall that we have Canada Geese in these parts, but we do have Flamingos on the local lake in town.

JayCee said...

I steer well clear of geese. I still have a bruise on my calf where one bit me several years ago!

DawnTreader said...

Sandra, I think they're quite common here in Northern Europe.

DawnTreader said...

Meike, I've probably seen them before at further distance, and at our 'bird sanctuary' lake from which I've posted several times in the past. But on this occasion they stood out more as they were the only birds there - and I was impressed by the size of the one "standing guard" :)

DawnTreader said...

Carol, we have no flamingos in the wild here but we have some at our zoo (I suppose they stay indoors in winter).

DawnTreader said...

JayCee, I did not feel tempted to go too close to them...

Amy said...

I've never seen these types of birds before, are they vicious? I guess like might be like our swans who get a bit snippy if we get too close

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