Friday, 13 June 2014

Friday My Town: Above, Straight and Below

FMTSO Scavenger Hunt:
"High above, Facing Straight and Down Below"
- Take a shoot looking up, then a shot facing straight, and lastly one looking down.

I took my camera into town this afternoon and came up with two different series.

The first one was shot from a bridge over the river.
Hotel on the left side, town park on the right.
And a surprise when I turned the camera downwards!

2014-06-13 Up, Straight, Below

I think that’s the first lock on a bridge I’ve seen in my town – following the lovers’ tradition, I assume, from more famous briges in Paris, and somewhere in Italy… (Don’t remember the name of the Italian town.)

I also shot this series from under a tree in the park and looking across to where an exotic crowd of people were sitting on the stone steps by the water:



Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the building window reflections in your last picture! Art everywhere, it really cheers up your town!

Librarian said...

It's an interesting idea to take shots from the same place but in different perspectives, I like it!

In Cologne, Germany, there is a bridge that has become so full of lovers' locks that it has raised concern because of the additional weight this puts on the structure. I must admit I don't need this kind of visible symbol to know where I stand in a relationship, and I am usually not too keen on following similar mass trends anyway. Nonetheless, I wish whoever has put that lock on the bridge in your town all the best!

MadSnapper said...

this is a great idea... now i need to find a place i can do all three. we are so flat not sure if i can.. love the people on the steps.. never seen a lock on a bridge or heard of one, it makes a great shot... these are all beautiful

Graham Edwards said...

The locks are all over Italy. I have blogged about them in the Cinque Terra which was where I first saw them but then I blogged about them on a bridge in Pitlochry.

DawnTreader said...

The yellow sculpture is by Tony Cragg and called "Deciination". It's made of bronze but painted yellow. Can't say it's really a favourite of mine - but one gets used to things... ;) it's been there a few years now (since 2007, Wikipedia says).

DawnTreader said...

Oh, so Cologne too. I'm not sure if I heard about that one before as well - I know I've come across the phenomenon more than once through blogs, showing bridges like that from two or three different places (or more). This is the first I've seen in my town... Actually if not for this photo challenge, I might not have noticed it!

DawnTreader said...

Sometimes the photo challenges like FMTSO can be really helpful when it comes to finding new perspectives.

DawnTreader said...

Ah yes, Cinque Terra was the name of the Italian town that escaped me - thanks GB. I had a notion it might have been on your blog I saw it - but I think I may also have seen pictures from the same place on somebody else's blog. And from other places as well.

Unknown said...

Absolutely marvelous DT. Your shots are always so well done and interesting.

DawnTreader said...

Thanks Peggy!

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