Today, I decided to put it to the test if the same thing would happen again if I deliberately took three overlapping photos in different directions from the same spot.
Looking along a side street to the right.
Looking straight along the row of houses ahead of me.
Turning a little to the left to also catch the school buildings on the opposite side of the street ahead.
And voilà... Not long after I got back home, and my phone was back on WiFi, Google again laid the puzzle (quite automatically), and made this panorama view for me:
This is from a part of town where I don't walk very often, and had not really intended to go today either. My plan was to buy some geraniums for my balcony, and for that purpose I took a bus to (the neighbourhood of) a certain garden center across town. After I had bought my four pots of flowers, instead of waiting for a bus back, I decided to try a path I spotted that seemed to lead in the right direction, through an underpass under a road and railway. It soon proved to be (as I hoped) a convenient shortcut to more familiar surroundings.
Here are some more photos I took along the way:
A mural at what I assume must be a school.
This is a part of town that is some ways a weird mix of old and 'new', and nowadays predominantly inhabited by people from "all over the world". (Africa, Middle East, Asia... And a lot of muslims, judging by the dress code.)
There are some quite charming older tenement buildings too, though - looking especially pretty on a sunny spring day like this.
Some areas along the railway seem just to be waiting (still) for decisions about future plans for the railway.
The railway station. I think you probably have to buy your tickets online these days, though! (It's been so long since I last went anywhere by train that I'm not even keeping up any more with how to go about it... It might have changed next week anyway!)
The geraniums that accompanied me on my walk!