Saturday 21 September 2024

Busy Bee


Yesterday I sat for a good while on my balcony, watching this busy bee making the most of the pelargoniums next to me. 

    What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? A maybee.
    What do you call a bee that misses its target? A fumble bee.
    How do bees communicate with each other? They use bee-mail.



  1. I have never heard of this flower. They look a bit like Hydrangeas. They are so gorgeous!!! Sorry, Mr. Bee, they even outshine you!

  2. I am with Ginny, I don't remember these plants, and the bee seems very happy with them. I myself have turned into a stumble bee... ha ha

    1. You are a bee interpreter apparently. For me the leaves remind me of geraniums...but I also haven't heard that name for those flowers.


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