Saturday 14 September 2024

Weekend Reflections


We're having a lovely early autumn weekend here. The 'unnatural' heat has given way to much cooler temperatures, but at the same time it's been sunny. Both Friday and Saturday have been really lovely. Photos from a walk downtown yesterday.

Linking to Weekend Reflections


  1. Awesome reflection! The building with the pretty blue artwork, looks like a parking garage, but maybe is apartments?

    1. Ginny, the building with the "lace" artwork is an apartment building.

  2. You're enjoying a beautiful early autumn weekend with the perfect mix of cooler temperatures and sunshine. A walk downtown in such lovely weather must have been a wonderful experience. I'm sure the photos from your stroll capture the charm of the season perfectly.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend. You are invited to read my new blog post:

  3. Lovely early autumn weather indeed! Beautiful colours and the river a perfect mirror.
    I was thinking of Barbie and Skipper this morning; have they changed into autumn clothes already?

    1. Meike, it's been perfect weather for walking. Probably also for a running event in town yesterday - but I avoided going anywhere near that, even as spectator! ;) Barbie and Skipper are delighted that you asked about them, and willingly posed for another photo, which will be coming up in some post soon.

  4. What an incredible reflection on your first photo, there couldn't have been a breath of wind! Good to know that the sun has not deserted you.

    1. It's been a weekend of perfect early autum weather, Carol.

  5. yay for cooler air and the reflections is perfect. I love that vine on the wall of the building. your sunshine makes your city SHINE. glad you are having time out and about in glorious sunshine

    1. Thanks Sandra. The weather has continued to be as glorious all weekend.

  6. What a lovely reflection photo...calendar worthy as we used to say! Enjoy the fall fresh air and sunshine.

    1. Thanks Barbara - I have been doing that three days in a row now!


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