Saturday, 18 January 2025

An Elevated Position (Weekend Street/Reflections)


It's been a grey and rainy and foggy week here, and I haven't been out much. Most of the snow was gone already on Tuesday, but there were chilly winds blowing, and I basically just stayed in until Thursday. Which was still grey and foggy; but it wasn't raining, and not much wind; so I managed to fit in a walk into town for a couple of errands. 
In the main square, I found several people standing still and gazing upwards... When I looked up myself, I ended up standing still and staring for a while as well, as two guys were sent up in the air by a rescue services crane truck, to the roof of the courthouse. Once up there, they remained in their "basket" and just seemed to stand and stare for a while too, before being brought back down again. So I still haven't got a clue what it was all about. An inspection of some kind, perhaps - or even just an exercise? ... (I haven't seen any headlines about it in the local newspaper afterwards, so not likely to have been anything very serious.) 
That's one job (among a thousand others) that I would never have been able to do, though - I almost feel dizzy just watching from the ground! (I've never been good with heights...)


  1. Maybe it was a training exercise, as you suggest, or perhaps they were inspecting something on the roof?

  2. Yikes...glad they did it and not I! But you were able to photograph the strange occasion!

  3. Me either! Heights really scare me!! This is a mystery for sure.

  4. Most likely an inspection. Maybe they do that every year in January, checking the soundness of the roof of that building, or someone reported a leak and they went up to find out where it is exactly, to prepare for repairs.

  5. I never feel like getting out on grey, miserable days but staying indoors can sometimes make me feel like a caged beast pacing around. GRRRRRRRR!

    1. Neil, I normally try to get out for at least a little while most days - if nothing else, just to keep up the habit. If there are too many days in a row that I don't get out at all, that somehow makes me feel a bit "lost in time".

  6. Maybe the roof is leaking and they were trying to see where the rain was getting in.

  7. It does seem as though it's an inspection of some kind. It looks quite an old building, so perhaps problems with the roof.

  8. Nice street shot. I don't think I would've been able to get up that high like them though, maybe they were inspecting a roof.

  9. brrrrr, no thanks. I would never be able to do it.


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