Thursday, 30 January 2025

Home, Sweet Home


It's been another grey and wet week. I don't think the sun has shown its face at all here during the second half of January. This week, on Monday there was wet snow blowing sideways outside my windows, so I did not go out at all. Since then I've been out for short afternoon walks three days in a row, but the only thing to tempt my (phone)camera was this birdfeeder in the cemetery (on Tuesday)... I'm pretty sure it must be new, or surely I'd have noticed it before! Even the birds did not seem to have discovered it yet - unless perhaps they'd already had their lunch, and left.



  1. I do like that bird feeder. Totally crazy, but charming.

  2. The bird feeder looks like the iconic kiosk in London

  3. This is a lovely large feeder. Also it adds some cheer to this place. I am guessing the cemetery caretaker is the one who keeps it filled. Cemeteries are great places for birdwatchers.

    1. Ginny, they have several bird feeders of different shapes and sizes around the place.

  4. What a nice spot of red when you just need it! I am sure the birds will find it soon.

  5. The bird feeder looks brand new, but I imagine some birds would prefer a wider area to land on, and I can see no horizontal pole anywhere. Maybe it's meant for squirrels?
    Aaaw, poor little Woodstock! The short clip reminded me of how well the Peanuts cartoons were made, with great music to match.

    1. Meike, I think it's probably meant for small birds but not larger ones (nor squirrels). There are more birdfeeders of various kinds around the cemetery.

  6. The bird house is fun and a nice thing to have in a cemetery.

  7. ha ha ha, hope the bird gets out, this video is like a scene from Bob and Sandra. that is a nice bright bird house you found on a dreary day

  8. Love the sweet bird feeder, I haven't seen one like that. I bought one recently and fixed it to one of the tree branches in my backyard.

  9. That's a very smart bird feeder, but I'm concerned about the proximity to the trees as cats can climb!

    1. Carol, it seems *someone* locally did not think it the right place for it either, because it is no longer there! Remains a mystery so far both who put it up and who took it down!


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