Friday, 10 January 2025

These Boots Are Made For Walking


It's been a week of weather warnings here. Temperatures up and down around 0'C (freezing point). Strong winds and precipitation varying between snow and rain (and sometimes both at the same time). Streets and walkways covered with a treacherous mix of snow, slush and ice. Cancelled trains and various traffic problems and accidents.

Monday through Wednesday I just stayed in (and was thankful to be able to do so - thinking of all working people who don't have that option). Wednesday was laundry day for me anyway, but while my last load was in the drying cabinet (3-4 pm) I had hoped to perhaps manage a short walk to the nearest postbox (someone's birthday coming up...) I actually gave it a try and dressed to go out - but changed my mind almost immediately after turning round the corner of my building... The winds were more capricious than it had seemed from indoors, and the streets also too icy/slushy.

On Thursday I had a delivery of groceries coming around noon. Three weeks since my last delivery, so quite a lot to unpack and store. I'm still thankful every time for the possibility to order online and just have things delivered, though. (Ten years since this service was introduced here by "my" supermarket; and I've been a regular customer ever since.)

In the afternoon, I did manage that walk to the postbox, though. Still not a very enjoyable one (streets still icy and slushy), but the wind had subsided, the streets were more wet than slippery, and it was neither raining nor slowing.

During the night to today it snowed again. I ventured out for a short walk in the cemetery before noon. I do walk a lot slower in snow, so turned round by the chapel in the middle of the grounds. Still took me about the same time as a full lap round the whole enclosure does in normal weather.

"These boots are made for walking..." ♫

(Winter footwear has been discussed on more than one blog lately...)


  1. Replies
    1. Yes JC, that's what I was trying to tell you the other day... ;-)

  2. The boots look really sturdy and safe. I remember this song by Nancy Sinatra! You really have gumption!!! And seem to be fearless! These photos are bleak, yet lovely. Makes me think of the traditional song "In The Bleak Midwinter".

    1. Ginny, I'm very far from "fearless" - it's more a constant battle between what to be more afraid of. (The risks outdoors, or losing what fitness I have by getting no exercise...)

  3. i don't know if i could walk in those boots. glad you have them, they do look like they would work well with ice and slush... you did good to stay inside, we do now want a fall for sure. i agree with Ginny, it does look and sound bleak. stay safe

  4. I like the boots. They look sturdy and well designed


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