Saturday, 8 February 2025


Guess what else that was missing around here has turned up again?


 Yes! The red birdfeeder is back!

I stood and stared at it for a while before it hit me what was different about it. It was obviously the same one - apart from one thing... Can you spot it?


Before                                                     After

 They have given it a larger roof. I suppose the reason is that the old roof was smaller than the feeding board at the bottom; and a larger roof provides a bit better protection. (?)



  1. Mystery (almost) solved :-D
    It's a likely explanation. Or maybe the old roof had come off; did you have a storm or gale wind lately?

  2. Well, whatever the reason it is nice to see it back again.

  3. That seems a reasonable explanation. It's nice to see its return.

  4. I am glad to know that it is back! Usually there are quite a few different birds in cemeteries. Also good to know there was no crime involved!


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